Red: Keep away from children.
Yellow: May be considered offensive, especially by the strictly religious.
Dark: Sad or angsty.
Gray: Boring for young readers. Abstract, essaylike entry.
White: Religious or spiritual entry.
Blue: About games or other supposedly fun software.
Review: Review of books, comics, anime... anything but software.
Azure: My own fiction / worldbuilding. Not intended to be true.
Green: Mostly harmless / slice of life.
Violet: "Bio". Presenting some aspect of myself.
Meta: Journaling about journaling.
This system is tentatively used from June 15, 2000. New colors may be added as needed. (Last added: Meta, 2006.)
This color coding depends on your browser supporting basic CSS. If you don't see it, look for the corresponding text in the upper left corner of the entry.