Coded green.

Sunday 7 December 2003

?Screenshot CoH movie

Pic of the day: Screenshot from the City of Heroes promotion movie. In the middle Statesman, presumably flanked by two of the Surviving Eight after the Rikti invasion.

A nice Sunday

I guess I should say something about the day. There isn't much to say, though. It was one of those Sundays that you wish there were more of, but which you still forget once they are over. Unless you write them down, at least.

The bright sunlight revealed aspiring dust bunnies, still too small to be noticeable in lamplight. And lamplight is all I have most days in the deep of Norwegian winter, when the sun rises and sets while I am at work (or at least on my way to and from work). I live on the south coast of Norway, which is pretty far from the polar circle; but it's not California either, that's for sure. Anyway, I vacuumed them. Dust bunnies abhor a vacuum.

As usual when I have a day off, I cooked pasta for dinner. Yesterday I had bought a box of Pesto Genovese, a mix of herbs and vegetable oils used with pasta. This was the first time I bought such a thing; I use to add a little of this and a little of that to the pasta myself. Even though it was a small box, there is no way I can use it all up, not even if I have pasta each day, not even if I keep it in the fridge after opened. But yesterday and today I used it, along with some cheese. The pesto was a bit fatty for my tastes; buying this will not become a habit. But by all means, it was quite tasty.

I took a walk to the shop and back, approximately one hour. While I am no athlete, I like to get some movement every day. I don't think I could enjoy the much parodied American way of life, where the single biggest exertion of the day is to get out of bed in the morning, where you waddle out to your car and drive to work, take the elevator up to your office, sit on your rear for eight hours, take the elevator down to the garage and drive home to sit in front of the TV until you waddle to bed. Quite apart from the health effects, I need to move about a bit for the sake of my mind. Much of my inspiration comes while walking. Speaking of which, I am steadily adding a few paragraphs to my novel, even though I failed to complete it in November. Chapter 22 contains a small surprise, at least for those who have not yet read the character design "behind the scenes" appendix.

I did not write a whole lot, though. At least not on my novel. I am currently at the peak of this season's City of Heroes craze, so I spent quite a bit of the day on the forums. I also designed a background for my first character, although I haven't written that down yet. And since that multiplayer game is not available for many months yet (at the very least), I went and played Dark Age of Camelot.

I didn't have all day to play DAoC, however. Civilization III waited for me to beat back the Aztecs. The nice thing about manually playing three of the four civilizations is that they don't have to fight three of them at once. Perhaps I will actually play this game through, instead of quitting during the Industrial Revolution as usual. But for now, I eventually had to go to bed. And so my day ended, and so also ends my report. Goodnight all!

Yesterday <-- This month --> Tomorrow?
One year ago: A very new economy
Two years ago: NeverQuest?
Three years ago: Bad news, good news
Four years ago: It costs to be poor
Five years ago: The book that Jesus didn't write

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