The invitation

Did I mention that I was told to expect an invitation to a new employer, after all jobs of my kind are purged from our tentacle of government? Well, I got it today. All names are changed for security reasons. Translated from Norwegian.

An agreement has been reached with [tentacle of government] that you will be transferred to [Himitsu Corp.] from June 1, 09.
We have planned a number of activities from week 20 up to and including week 25. These activities are:
I bid you welcome to us in [Himitsu Corp.]”

Huh. Well, it certainly beats going to the employment office to look for a new job. Even in Norway, this is not the best possible time and my work experience is fairly specific. Still, I found it amusing that I have evidently been handed over like a crate* without asking or being asked. If this is the corporate culture, I foresee an interesting time in [Himitsu Corp.]

(* Or, as a friend of mine commented, like a companion cube. The “weighted companion cube” is an inanimate object from the video game Portal.  It is praised for its loyalty, then incinerated.)


I was writing a long gray entry again, but stopped.  It was a long day at the office, files kept coming in during the day and I had to do files for two of my coworkers who were absent. I was home a couple hours later than usual. And there has been the whole work week, with a little less sleep than I should have each night.  Yes, my day is starting to slide again. I have been able to hold it constant for a while, using the Holosync Dive for half an hour or sometimes more in the morning, but lately it is sliding again.  Well, enough about that.  I don’t feel like writing an essay tonight, let that be enough.

In other news, Linux (the freeee operating system) is progressing slowly but surely.  Last year, getting flash content (such as YouTube) to run in Opera under Linux was still hit & miss for me.  This time, I still had to look it up online, but it only took half a minute or so to actually get it to work.  So now I can play my brute in my browser window, although Tsaiko’s brute still flattens me in a moment.

It took me considerably more time to get the ICE (NMT) wireless broadband to work under Xubuntu Linux. I am not sure why, but I never got that to work before, which is why I bought the Vista laptop in the beginning of 2008. Now another Vista machine has been Linuxified. No more worrying about worms, virii, keyloggers and identity theft, all the usual stuff that Windows users have hanging over their neck day by day.  (Of course, I still have to not be a complete bumpkin that clicks on any mail claiming to be from my bank or Ebay politely asking me to enter my data again to avoid my account being closed.  Seriously, some people need to not use computers, or talk to strangers, alone.) Although the computer was more than strong enough to run Vista, so I won’t have that benefit (Linux runs better on older or weaker machines).

Oh, and another glass jar recycled! Wheee!  Just twenty or so left.

Quick health update

I’m trying to go back to work today after two sick days. Those have been quite rare for me recently, I am happy to say, unlike a decade ago when I supposedly was younger and healthier. Anyway, my throat is sore but I can breathe normally (for now at least) and my nose is no longer leaking like a broken faucet. And unlike last night, I am not even queasy. What more could a man ask for?  So off to work I go.  This is the best time of the year for me to work anyway. So many files to merge. Yummy!

EDIT after work: Perhaps I was a day early. Throat sore like on Friday and deep cough also like Friday.