Fatter days

Food – the final frontier!

I definitely can eat more fat now without getting fat poisoning.  I am not sure quite how much. But when I don’t get sick, the inborn human tendency causes me to gradually eat more fat. Not every day, but now and then, a little bit more, taking a chance.  Over time, oh so slowly, it adds up.  I get used to eating a little more fat than before, and then a little more again.

I still eat a lot less fat than before.  I still eat less fat than healthy people.  But there is definitely more of it than before.  This past couple weeks I have several times eaten noodles with some added cheese.  I have done that before with low-fat cheese and not gotten sick, but this time I used normal cheese.  (I have returned to low-fat now, the shop was just out of it briefly.)  My weight loss has stopped, although it is too early to say if it is reversed yet.

I have no idea what happened.  Perhaps my liver has just regenerated – it has lots of stem cells after all, and it has been 5 years since the illness that brought this to a head.  Perhaps the brainwave entrainment plays a role – several of the symptoms were neurological after all. Perhaps even the changes in my soul affects my body.  Or perhaps it is just part of the natural changes of growing older.  It may even be, though I am loath to even think it, that a hidden tumor may be sweeping up fat from my bloodstream for its own nefarious ends.  You just never know everything, not being a god or anything.  But I can’t say I feel ill in any way, so that last part is pretty far down on my probability list.

In any case, fat is very tasty and I enjoy being able to eat a little more of it, even if just a bit. Those of you who can eat as much fat as you want should enjoy it.  And then work out like crazy, I suppose. From what I read in scientific magazines, pretty much all the problems with obesity come from the inactivity that is either the cause or the effect of the obesity, sometimes both. It is not actually enjoying fat that is a problem, it is Just Sitting There. Our bodies were not designed for that.  The muscles we use when standing and walking mop up huge amounts of dangerous fat from the blood, but if we don’t stand or walk some hours each day, the stuff will just pile up. Or that is the current theory.  There may well be another next year.

But for now, I enjoy it for all it is worth… while it is still reasonably healthy!

Pseudo-Messiah dream

Do I have a Messiah complex? In my dreams!  My subconscious reads my journal (no surprise there) and mocks my resolution to not claim spiritual VIP status.

In my dream this morning, I am like Jesus. I do wonders, I preach goodness, I am seized by the authorities and sentenced to death. Except I don’t die, unbeknownst to them, I escape at the last moment. Actually this is the third year in a row they do this, so they are understandably upset at this point. In my dream I remember the two previous attempts. This time they lock me in a small hut and burn it down. Somehow I quantum tunnel out of there or something. At the end of the dream I can no longer perform miracles. But then again, it is a year till next Easter (or the equivalent in this culture).

The dream was dramatic enough while it lasted, but when I woke up I saw the absurdity of it and that’s when I thought of Life of Brian, which I only know from pop culture references. Perhaps I should watch it some day if it is still around.

For now, though, I just stick with my plan to not claim spiritual superhero status. Or at least not above 6th-dimensional programmer. ^_^

A thoughtful silence?

I haven’t been writing much lately, but I have been thinking some, and observing myself as usual. I have been observing my dreams each morning. This morning I dreamed that I had moved to (or perhaps built) a house on the road to the farm where I grew up. The road goes through a stretch of wilderness with trees, bushes, shrubs and stones, where the nearest farms are at best distant lights. I remember when I was little, walking to school in the morning, during the dark season here in Norway, and I afraid of the dark. I would talk loudly or sing to hold at bay my fear of the dark and the things that might lurk there – wolves or giant animals, perhaps. This was a more innocent age, where the fear of children was not men. In any case, this was the stretch of road where I now dreamed that I had set up my home. While living there, I was approached by an angry fox, which I eventually befriended, and later a lynx, which I was still trying to befriend when the dream ended.

Not very useful information for future historians, perhaps. Who knows?

Part of the reason for holding my tongue is that I am, as usual, pondering the lessons I have learned from sect leader and acclaimed author Ryuho Okawa. He pretty much ticks of the check list for Antichrist: He tries to transcend and include existing religions, including Christianity. He claims to be the God who resurrected Jesus Christ, and even has temples built where he can claim to be a god. Not the Creator, mind you: He stresses the enormous distance between us and the Primordial God. El Cantare is simply the spiritual leader of this planet – in fact, the name can be translated as “god of the world”. That alone should make the neck hairs rise on a Christian. And yet, for all that, this man is the first I can think of that has so much understanding in common with myself. So what does that say about me?

I don’t know. I try to review my life as it goes on, watching my thoughts and feelings and actions. I am only at the beginning of everything I do. But if I keep the current course, if I live to a ripe old age, will I end up becoming more and more like that man? My conscience really does not allow me not to, with the notable exceptions of claiming to be a god and an extraterrestrial and so on. Let us hope that exception keeps up, at least. But the principles of love, wisdom, self-reflection and progress? Hard to disagree with those. Working toward a happiness that increases the happiness of other people, rather than taking away from it? That should be obvious to anyone. Love is something you give, not something you can claim? That is an eternal truth. Just because a scary person agrees with it and preaches it does not mean it won’t remain true forever.

In the end, I will have to simply continue becoming more and more myself. If that means I become more similar to controversial people, then I can do nothing about it.

But I am thinking that I need to build on the “iceberg that is under the surface” – the 80-90% that should be hidden from sight. I cannot just blurt out every spiritual truth that I discover. But if I don’t, then to some extent I don’t get much new either. Because some of what I write is probably not really meant for me in the first place, but for some poor chap at the other end of Google. It is my dubious task to say the words that must be spoken, before they are lost forever. And “for each useless word that a human speaks, he shall make account on judgement day”, as Jesus says. Between these twin demands live I, and I suppose anyone who thinks seriously about words. There really is no other meaningful way to relate to words. The normal is to just let them flow out, like a dog who pees on every bush along the road. There seems to be no end to the pee and the words that the dog and the human use to mark their territory. But past a certain level of consciousness this becomes no longer tolerable.

Today is St John’s Wake, an important festival in Norway, and one of the few that have survived the transition to a post-Christian society. I was invited to gather with the neighbors this evening. I have not really had the opportunity to meet most of them since I moved here. I wish it could continue that way – not because I have anything against them or even fear them, but because I doubt my ability to be of any benefit to them whatsoever. Even if I go, it will surely be a waste of all our time. But then again, so is befriending foxes in a place that never even existed. So here I go, may God have mercy on my soul.


I am home unharmed except for a cough. The whole event was very dignified, and I think I blended in pretty well after a little while. Two policemen showed up at the end, probably because of the bonfire. I am not sure open fire is legal at this point, as it is very dry. The bonfire is an essential part of the tradition though, so we had a small one. Nobody got arrested.

Time travel dream

This morning I had a dream that was not hellish at all. It was very long and the details are already gone, but I traveled through time and met many historical people of fame. A couple of them knew about time travel: Einstein and King Solomon for sure, and Alexander the Great at least knew something strange was going on. I also saw some cool technology from the near future, but nothing that I could copy or that really revolutionized life.  All in all it was a pleasant dream, although I was quite tired when I woke up.

A punny dream

Picture from Møll.

Here at Møll there are several people who have that place name as their last name, a common tradition in Norway among farmers and their descendants. One of these works at the tax office.  (This is actually true in real life.)

In my dream, some guy came to the tax office and asked to see Møll. When Mr Møll appeared, the guy basically dumped a load of tax papers on the desk and excused himself and left. “What’s with him?” wondered my neighbor. I replied: “Perhaps he has read the Scripture that says: Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where Moth and rust destroy…”

(The Norwegian word for moth is møll, as regular readers may remember. Yes, even in my dreams I make cheesy puns! But at least I still recall the Scriptures in my sleep, so perhaps there is some hope for my soul…)

Today was a Someday

You may have noticed that my week has 8 days: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Someday.  So if there is something that seems inconvenient to do on the other days, I put it off till Someday. Unfortunately, Someday does not come every week, or even every month. But today was a Someday.

The last Someday was May 20, when I wrote to the customer service at ice.no, the wireless broadband provider I used until early this year. Even though I have not used them for some months, I have not terminated my subscription because there was no obvious way to do so.  So eventually I just wrote their customer service and told them that I was terminating the subscription. I never got any answer, and some time ago I got the invoice for July. (The subscription runs for a month after termination, according to the contract.) So today I wrote them and told them that I had already cancelled on May 20 and would not pay the invoice.

Since it was already Someday, I also wrote to the phone company to terminate the landline subscription. Again, I don’t even have that kind of phone in this house. I guess this either says something about how lazy I am or how cheap such things are by Norwegian standards. In any case, Tele2 (the phone company) needs to have the cancellation in writing, whereas you can just call them or send them a text message to subscribe.  It may be legal, but it is still not something they want on the front pages of the newspapers, I suppose. We’ll see. It would be kind of cool to meet the in court. My blog would probably get a 10000% increase in readership too.

Anyway, this makes the third Someday since I moved here, the first was when I changed the power supply in the machine that had been defective since early this past winter.  So Someday comes… sometimes.

Dreaming of Hitler

Early this morning I had a truly nightmarish dream. It started innocently enough. I was working in this place that I have never seen before.  At the end of the day, the boss went home, and there was only me and a female receptionist left when a VIP client showed up with a complaint.  I could hear the receptionist talking with him and giving him a map of the building before I realized who he was.  It was Hitler, which our company had cloned from some old cells.

In all fairness, I don’t think anyone except perhaps our boss knew who it was, only that it was a Very Important Person.  Even the receptionist did not recognize him, but then again she probably got the job for her cuteness and not her general education level. I recognized him at once, of course, and I also realized why he was complaining.  He was cloned from old body cells that were reaching the end of their lives, so he was in a bad shape, and his mind was as deranged as his body was grotesque.  He was mutating in front of us, becoming more and more misshapen and more and more insane.  We ran away, and he kept chasing us, until he found us and cornered us in the last room upstairs. But just then, his body broke down completely and he dissolved gradually into stinking brown goo.

Shaken, we went downstairs again – and there was another Hitler. The automated cloning machines had thoughtfully made a backup, and I realized that it probably had backups of the backups and there would be coming Hitlers after us till we were dead.  That’s when I clawed my way back to the World Between Worlds.  I was horribly sleepy and I would say it was the hardest exit I have had from a dream, I could see it wide open beneath me and trying to suck me back in, but I just hung on to a shred of consciousness until the world portal finally closed and I could return to sleep in a safe place.

On the bright side, I was not the monster this time!

Divine intervention?

Sometimes the line between miracles and ordinary life are in the eyes of the beholder.

It would seem I got no fat poisoning this time.  That was a welcome surprise! I have had this condition since around Easter 2005, so I generally have a decent idea of where my limits lie.  But either my limits have moved, or something was different this time.  Divine intervention? Low-fat mayonnaise in the salad? It is kind of sad in itself that I can’t offhand tell the difference between divinity and mayonnaise, in a manner of speaking. But such is life.

On a related note, Ryuho Okawa is now following me on Twitter. At least that was the mail I got from Twitter some days ago. I freely admit that my heart skipped a beat, or a chill ran down my spine or something like that. Actually it is the American branch of Happy Science that maintains his Twitter account, which makes perfect sense to me. I mean, can you imagine the Buddha using Twitter? Or Confusius, or Newton?  OK, perhaps Newton… But generally, I suppose Grand Tathagatas are way too busy for such things.

In any case, I may have my delusions of grandeur, but there are limits. On the other hand, a real God does not mind whether you are a Very Important Person or just an ant in the anthill. We are all pretty similar to Him – and all valuable. But whether this takes the form of outward fortune or misfortune… well, it may not be entirely random, but sometimes we just don’t know.  I’m just glad I’m fine for now.  This body won’t be along forever, but I appreciate it while I have it.

Business trip

I have a feeling I have used this before, but it is distinctly on-topic for today. Well, yesterday really. Or the time period between them.

It is a rare event, but I was away from home last night, on a work conference for our division.  We stayed at a hotel, and a very cute one at that.  I won’t give the name away because this might let you identify my current employer, which is strongly discouraged by said employer.

I can’t say I found the event particularly useful, as it mostly addressed other problems than the real ones, at least my real ones.  My main problem at work is that I don’t have the access rights and the qualifications to solve the cases that we are falling behind on. Learning to ask our customers open-ended questions and inquire whether they are satisfied with our solutions are not bad ideas, but they pale into insignificance compared to actually being able to SOLVE their problems within a reasonable time and using a resource mostly already available (namely me).

On the bright side, I get paid for sleeping and eating free meals. This may not boost my spiritual growth (if any), but it does mean I can go to work a little later, should the need arise. For instance if I get temporarily sick, such as from fat poisoning. It has been quite a while since last time, several months, but I am not too sure about tomorrow.  I accidentally ate more fat today than I have done and avoided a fat poisoning since I got this condition in 2005.

It started harmlessly when I decided to go for some veggie salad along with my jam for breakfast. Of course this stuff contains mayo along with the sliced veggies.  But I made sure to keep it within my limits.  It was quite tasty, and I took a similar portion for lunch.  Then I realized that we were eating lunch barely four hours after breakfast.  That is a lot faster than my body can process fat. I use to allow 8 hours between fat intakes, although I can usually get away with 6-7. But four?  I am not looking forward to this.  This is the kind of events that cause unspeakable TMI along with the dread.  I have survived larger portions of fat than this, before I realized what triggered the attacks, but my survival came as a pleasant surprise each time.  So, tomorrow could get a lot more exciting than I planned for.  Barring divine intervention, and divine intervention tends to happen only after I’ve learned my lesson, if at all. But we’ll see.

While on vaguely health-related topics, the usual tooth is loose again. I wonder if this means I am supposed to buy another laptop? Because these events have clung together so much that I have made it a running joke in my journal: “Every time you buy a laptop, God kills a tooth.”  (Based on a slightly less family-friendly meme, which I am sure Google with help you with if you are lucky enough to not have heard it.) Actually, about half the times it has just been the same tooth falling out again, not actually a new one dying, so it is not to be taken literally.  Still.  The expense of fixing the tooth will be enough, I think, without shelling out for yet another laptop as well. That will have to wait until I have paid off the moving expenses.

Finally, mystery of the day: When I came off the bus today and fetched my mail, I noticed that there were shallow cuts like paper cuts on the back of the fingers on my right hand. They are all on the joints and they all go diagonally, but not all in the same direction. I have no idea when I got them, as they are practically painless. Life is full of mysteries, eh?

A perfect day in Paradise

Except in Paradise, you presumably don’t need to worry about ticks even if you literally live in the forest.

As I was walking along the road to the shop (as usual on Saturdays), I noticed how beautiful the scenery was, like I was walking among carefully selected photographs. The sun was bright, but not burning. It was quiet, the farms and homes seeming to rest in the early summer light. Fields still were dark with newly broken soil, and in one of them a flock of seagulls were rooting for worms. Most of the land is grassy fields though, green where not dotted with flowers. In smaller pastures, a few sheep were grazing with their lambs by their side. In the distance, a couple children were playing, their excited voices carrying far in the stillness.

I was thinking about what a friend wrote the other day, that this land was similar to Heaven. It is indeed. It reminds me of the Realm of the Good, the resting place of those who lived their life on Earth with gratitude and in harmony. In Heaven, they are given whatever they wish for, because their wishes are always simple and honest and pleasing to others as well as themselves, if not more so. It is a beautiful place, as is the soul of such people. Seeing it in my mind’s eye, for a moment I thought that I would not mind staying forever in a place like that.

But that is not true, of course, and my heart corrected me quickly. It knows that I cannot avoid looking for that which is beyond even such a place: The Realm of Light, my home, if I can reach it. And for a brief heartbeat or two, the world I saw through my eyes seemed to shimmer, and through it, vaguely, I saw lines or beams of light connecting all things from above. Then, like water lies still when a wave has passed through it, the picture was itself again.

It was such a day that I cannot be sure to see again, no matter where I go, no matter if I live till I am 120. Perhaps I will see sights more beautiful, more paradisaical than this. Or perhaps not. I guess it does not matter all that much. It is also a form of greed, to want the moment to stay. That is not what moments are for. We have eternity for that. And I mean it literally. As I walked the long road that goes like a straight line through the land, there was a temptation to hurry. But immediately I thought: Will I hurry in eternity? Eternity has already begun. It is not like this moment now is separate from eternity. Eternity has always been, we just have not noticed it. And I kept walking.

I guess some days are better for noticing eternity than others. That cannot be helped. We just have to pick those beautiful moments up when we pass through them. There is no other time to live in a moment than when it is there. Like here, now.