The next day

Last night, I went to bed at a reasonable time, wanting to get the early bus to work. That was not to happen. When I laid down, my chest began to hurt. Not heart hurt, but perhaps lung hurt: It was also harder to breathe, and my breathing out ended with a high, thin note. It reminded me of my asthma, and I found it impossible to sleep.

I got up and took some asthma medicine that I had bought earlier this year. I am not sure how much it helped, or that it was even necessary. I associate asthma with certain death, but actually many people have it for years or decades, although they do have shorter life expectancy. My pulse was in normal range, which it would presumably not have been if I actually was lacking oxygen. Still, one thing following another, I had bouts of pretty bad coughing, leaving my throat sore. Some three hours passed, though they were not wasted. Eventually I started playing my copy of The Laws of Eternity, the movie that had first introduced me to Happy Science. I got as far as to the Hell of the Bloody Pond before I became very sleepy. Stopping the movie, I fell asleep in my chair immediately. An hour or so later I woke up and went to bed, and slept without any further problems.

I took the later bus to work, but even then I had slept so little, I expected to have to nap repeatedly. That did not happen, however. I napped not once at all, and was not horribly sleepy either. Perhaps that will come tomorrow. I guess it depends on the work too.


I sometimes wonder whether working is really the best I can do for humankind. But in the end, I always decide that yes, it is. If not, someone else would have to do this work, and other people would have to give me money anyway. If there was a lot of unemployment in Norway, perhaps I would feel differently, but the opposite is true. We lack qualified workers still, even while the world is in a “shadow recession”, where the recession has ended but the jobs have not come back. So I am not taking the job of someone who needs it more than I do.

And I don’t have a very strong faith that I would do something more worthwhile if I were not at work. I don’t notice myself being awesome each weekend, for instance. My work is probably a better expression of love for mankind, for all its failing, than teaming up with other imaginary heroes in City of Heroes. Perhaps not better than keeping up my journal, but I don’t think it is the work that is the greatest threat to that…


On my way to work, I overheard a seemingly normal young man telling someone that he studied marketing. I was filled with pity for him. It must be terrible to get into such a demonic field at such a young age. There are of course forms of marketing that are simple and honest, but they are not common in this time and age, nor do I believe they require much education. The thrust of advertising is distinctly demonic, a work of tempting and manipulating people to inflame their greed and their desire, to divert their soul from the Infinite to an infinite number of finite things. Humans will do the heavy lifting themselves, due to our nature in this regard, but there is still a strong effort to inflame the delusions of the material world, to make people think that happiness comes from outside them.

Don’t try being demonic at home, kids!


Den Gode Kraften (The Good Force), autobiography by Joralf Gjerstad.

Yesterday I received a book in the mail. This is in itself noteworthy, for I do not habitually buy books, especially not physical books. If I do, it is usually because they are of a religious nature and so I expect to read them several times over the years to come. But this book was exceptional in that it was written in Norwegian. I cannot tell how many years it has been since last I bought a Norwegian book. Even in the rare case when I buy a book by a Norwegian author, I usually buy the English translation, since it is considerably cheaper. After all, the total number of Norwegian speakers in the world is less than a single large city in the USA, so economy of scale comes into play. In addition, Norwegians generally have lots of money and are used to paying prices that would shock people from most other nations. So this book, admittedly in hardcover, set me back approximately $60.

The book is an autobiography by a Norwegian psychic and healer. Actually, it is his second autobiography. He has always done his psychic readings and healings for free, so I don’t begrudge him if he gets a dollar from the price. I have heard about him occasionally through the last few years, but what caused me to order the book was a newspaper headline where he was said to chastise the Norwegian Princess who offers to teach people (for a price) to communicate with the dead. “SnÃ¥samannen”, as he’s usually called, said this was impossible and dangerous to try.

The man says that the power comes from God, the Creator, and not from himself. According to those who know him, he has fed himself and his family through ordinary work for all these years (he is now quite old) while healing and helping people on his free time. He is, from what I can see, a fairly mainstream Christian. So this should be pretty edifying literature, or at least mostly harmless.

My work commute is where I do most of my book reading these days. So today I brought the book, and read it for the duration of the trip, approximately 45 min. When I got off the bus, I noticed that my legs were stiff. Actually, my arms were stiff as well, and I felt cold and a little dizzy and sleepy. This continued to varying degrees through the workday. I also had some gut pains, but that is not uncommon. Overall, I have felt half-sick throughout the entire workday and am still not entirely well now that I have come home.

Carl Gustaf Jung used the phrase “synchronicity” about “meaningful coincidences”.  I am looking for a word for the opposite. Not just meaningless coincidences, which many people seem to have lots of, but coincidences that seem opposite to what one would expect.  Because it is a remarkable coincidence indeed to feel like the onset of a bad flu after 45 minutes of reading about a humble healer belonging to (supposedly) one’s own religion. I did not notice anything in the morning as I got up or when I hurried to the bus.

I am not drawing any conclusions from this. Moses specifically forbids taking omens from the things around us, which is what most people use “synchronicity” for. But it is certainly a story I want to write down for the future, if any.

Tales from the Mothhouse

What’s the REAL reason for my lack of sleep? Not the wisdom of Solomon, I dare say.

When I woke up this morning, I was so sleepy that I could barely stand on my feet without supporting myself. There is a reason for this.

Do you remember before I moved here to Riverview, I used to call it the Moth-house? This was because the tiny village is called Møll, a Norwegian word that translates directly as “Moth”.

Little did I know that toward the end of the summer, I would have a genuine moth infestation in the house. I am not sure they are clothes moths, and in any case, even at the height of the swarming they probably did not weigh more together than a handkerchief. Still, there has been a steady appearance of small, winged creatures in the house. They are quite tame, even when I swat one away, it seems to think it is a play and soon comes back, dancing past my head following its invisible dream.

Just lately, the weather has turned chilly. Not as in winter by far, but compared to summer. It went so far that I turned on the space heater in my bedroom, albeit at the lowest level.

Even that was tragically too much for one of the surviving moths, who may have sought to warm itself in the sudden chill. By the time I arrived to sleep, the smell of roasted chitin filled the room. It is amazing how much a roasted insect can smell. Â It is also a quite unpleasant smell. So much so that I kept waking up. Eventually I gave up and went to the spare bedroom, where I went to sleep on the old and worn rubber foam mattress. I used to sleep on it, on the floor, every night for four years before I moved here. I thought nothing of it at the time. But clearly my body has been quick to get used to luxury, as is human nature. I did sleep, repeatedly, but not as deeply as I would have wished, and I woke up early.

On the bright side, the stars were visible through the large window when I went to sleep. That was quite enjoyable. I am tempted to switch bedrooms – the one I use now has a smaller and lower window near the bed.

Even after my morning meditation, I fell asleep again, and woke up horribly tired. All because of a moth. Or because I did not consider that this might happen. Such is life. I wonder if even the wisdom of Solomon could have prevented this one. Then again Solomon, having several hundred wives, probably did not need a space heater. I still question his wisdom in that one regard though.

Surprisingly, I had no extreme difficulties staying awake through the day. No more than usual, I would say. Once again, I doubt that would have been the case even with a few dozen wives, but I may be overly optimistic about married life, having never tried it myself. Your spouse may vary, as may your moths.

In the soul of the beholder

Since sometime yesterday, I think it was before I got sick, I have had recurring pains in my lower left side. Not the right side, where the appendix is, so that’s something. It came and went through the night and the workday and on my way home, so it has me a bit worried, even though it is not horribly intense.

But as I sat on the commute bus home and we drove through a mixture of fields and woods, I was struck by the beauty of the land, both in its natural state and where shaped by men. Although the two forms are different, they are beautiful and harmonious together. Looking up at the sky, where the sun shone through although most of it was covered with clouds, I enjoyed the light of the sun. Looking around me, this world was so full of life, and I felt privileged to have lived so long on this planet.

Not that I won’t be happy to stay here longer, mind you. But even now, I felt gratitude and satisfaction well up inside me, quietly but wondrously. And I thought to myself, certainly this is a good thing, that my soul is able to see beauty. The world is both dark and light, but not all can see it. My pain is – for now at least – rather ordinary. But there are those in prison who sing songs of praise, and there are those in palaces who are driven to madness by envy. The soul certainly has a lot to say.

I realize that this one thing alone is not a guarantee that I go to paradise, but at least it should guarantee that I recognize paradise if I come there! So that is something. A little ray of hope.

There is a tradition, which I believe goes all the way back to Dante, that above the entrance to Hell there is a sign: “Abandon hope, ye who enter here.” That seems a reasonable admonition, I have always assumed. But today I briefly wondered: What happens if someone fails to comply? Don’t ask me, but it was a strange thought, don’t you think?

Suddenly sick

Shortly before midnight, I suddenly began shivering and shaking even though the room was pleasantly warm. In the past several years this has been a fairly sure sign of fat poisoning (I think it is fat that triggers it, at least) but I have not had that in months, and I don’t remember eating all that much fat the past two days compared with the rest of the summer.  I suppose it could be some other poisoning.  The only strange thing I have eaten this evening was a stir fry of carrot slices, pasta, fried and dried onion and cheese.  Not something you’d expect to threaten your life.

I am shaking badly now, even with a thick winter jacket on.  My heartbeat also changed while I was standing up, though I am not sure if this feeling comes directly from the heart or from the falling blood pressure. My guts are starting to hurt as well, and gradually my stomach.  So far it is the same symptoms as what I used to call “darkening” but renamed “fat poisoning” after I thought I found the connection.  The symptoms always occurred in a somewhat random order except at the very end. The fear is setting in gradually now, as well.  The muscles of arms and legs are stiffening in involuntary contractions, and presumably so are the intestinal muscles:  Intense and often painful bowel movements are also part of the set of symptoms that almost always occurred.

Of course, it could be something else this time, given that I have not had a sudden influx of fat that I can think of. Well, there is the ice cream, but it is not THAT fat, and I had more of it in less time earlier in the summer.

One difference from usual is that my body temperature was not lower than usual at the onset of the attack.  It is usually at least half a centigrade too low for the time of day, sometimes a whole centigrade or even a little more. This time, it was perfectly normal.  As part of my Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome (a completely different condition) my body temperature is at its highest at bedtime – in most people it is already creeping downward when they head to bed and reaches minimum early in the morning. In my case, it reaches minimum late in the morning, around the time I must wake up.

I now feel glowing hot in my winter clothes.  This is usually the last stage before the sudden onset of irresistible sleep, from which I have so far always woken up after 10-30 minutes to find the attack pretty much gone.  Here’s hoping I will wake up this time as well.

EDIT 01:30: Woke up from mandatory dreamless sleep in my chair.  Have a slight headache but the attack seems to be over. If I die before I wake, it is probably from something else.  Thanks for watching this weird and unique syndrome, live from Riverview! Perhaps historians of the future will know what it really was.

Car synchronicity

The perhaps most charitable explanation: I may have been promoted to the league of major characters.  Somehow I don’t think we should overplay this possibility…

A lot of the driving people do is over short distances, especially in America, but also in suburban Norway.  I noticed this in the place I used to live before, because when I took a walk, it was not uncommon to see a car drive into a small side road. The same happened fairly regularly in the place I lived before there again.  You could see this happen twice or even three times over the course of a walk.

For this reason, I have paid notice to the fact that it seems to be rare here on Møll. Perhaps it is because each side road usually only leads to a farm or a couple houses, and perhaps it matters that country people are more used to walking over to the neighbor rather than driving. Whatever the reason, I usually see it once if at all during an hour’s walk to the shop and back.  That is a bit longer time than I used to walk where I lived before, but there are if anything fewer side roads and houses since this is countryside rather than suburb.

Today there was 10-13 cars driving on and off side roads, depending on whether you count the one that drove into one of the side roads and drove back out a minute later, and whether you count the bus that drove in to Møll Turbuss (Møll Tour Bus). Yes, that is an ongoing business, but I have never seen any actual bus drive into or out of the small business parking lot before.   In either case, it was on the upside of ten, against an average of about 0.5 most days.

If this had happened in a dream, I dare say my subconscious would have been trying really hard to get some point across.  But I hope to the Everliving God that my subconscious does not have the power to move my neighbors for a distance of a thousand yards (although the activity was noticeably higher closer to my home  now that I think about it 0_0)…

Synchronicity is often defined as “meaningful coincidences”, and I am sure these things were meaningful and coincidental for my neighbors. I mean, you have to get home from work, you have to go shopping, you more or less have to drive your kid to football or riding practice. But what is the meaning for me to suddenly watch a dozen of them doing it one after another? I have no idea.

Heaven help the IRS (dream)

One of the great things about sleeping in is the fantastic dreams. I mean fantastic in a most literal sense, as it certainly exceeds my fantasy sometimes. This morning was one of them. And in color, too.

I dreamed that the Norwegian IRS had made a deal with Heaven. There was some religious organization involved, which in retrospect seems like a fusion of the Japanese new religion Happy Science and the originally Norwegian pious church Smith’s Friends. I dare say that in waking life none of them would have taken that fusion lying down. But it gets weirder.

Heaven had provided magical rings. Actually there were only a modest number of these, delivered by the aforementioned religious organization. But the good news is, any member of the IRS could simply pray for one, and the High Spirits of Heaven (angels and above, I guess) would grant the power to materialize a ring. Once you had one of those, you simply put it on, and whenever there was any tax evasion (and, from the looks of it, some other evils as well) the ring would flare up with a bright blue light.

I am not sure what the blue light did other than flare up to various degrees. The dream changed to a depiction of massive Heavenly action against the criminals. In the twilight, holy warriors of the IRS hunted down the culprits, and news reports came in from all over the country. This was still ongoing when I woke up.

Random headache

From this morning just before I went to work, I have had random stabs of pain from my upper right jaw toward my right eardrum. By “random” I mean they are not in sync with my heartbeat, my breath or any voluntary muscle movements.  For the most part they seem to happen a few times a minute, but after I came home from work there were a few hours where I did not feel them at all.

Apart from the randomness, the pain reminds me most of sinusitis. There does seem to be some pressure over my jaw and under my eye, which is usually a sinus thing.

Somewhat somber day

It has been a somewhat somber day. Between the intimations of hellfire from the book mentioned yesterday, and the half-sickness today and yesterday, my mood was less upbeat than usual. Not saying this is a bad thing overall. I need to get back down on the ground sometimes, I think.

Body and soul are not easy to tell apart. So I am not sure that some of my sickness was not aggravated by the onslaught of doubt and guilt. It is also possible that my emotions were darker and seeing things in a worse light because of the signals from my body. Either or even both are possible.

I cannot even discount my getting up early in the morning to go to work. Well, early by my standards! I usually get up an hour later, and then spend another hour at home at my leisure, frequently writing in my journal or taking other notes, as this is the time of the day when my mind is working most clearly and I am feeling most at peace with myself.  Work changes that.  I love having a job, so I can do something back for the civilization that has helped me survive this far and given me so much. But the fact remains that I feel deeply insufficient for my job. There is very little I can do, and very much I can’t, and my attempts to expand my areas of expertise have been mostly unsuccessful, for reasons I probably am not even allowed to write about here.  I suspect I am harvesting the seeds I sowed during the many years when I disdained my work, thinking it a punishment and a kind of early retirement.

In any case, work did nothing to lift my spirit.  My digestion and my freezing did improve over time though, especially after a five minute nap in my office chair.  Wonderful inventions these high-backed chairs, for us elderly employees. ^_^  Better than coffee.

In any case, I find myself somewhat more pensive. I feel it should reflect more on myself and not run so fast ahead of myself on my spiritual tourist trip. I have said this before, that I do not consider myself a spiritual teacher, but more like a spiritual tourist sending postcards from a place I have not really lived. Perhaps I should send less of those before I really understand what’s going on?

But realistically, if my health improves again or even just stabilizes, it is overwhelmingly likely that you once again will find me hopping and skipping among the exciting things, whether those of this world or of the next. “Somber” is not the best description of my average mood.

Paying bills

Something prosaic for a change. ^_^ It is the time of the month for paying bills. Actually I have paid some already, but now the big ones.

Last month I had more bills than income. That is rather disconcerting. I mean, I did not even have any left-over bills from the moving anymore, there were just so many bills showing up at the same time. Luckily bills don’t generally take me by surprise, although there are a couple that I don’t remember exactly when to expect.  Anyway, the month before had a massive influx of money, which I was not idiotic enough to spend just because it was there, so there was no worry. But it is not a situation I like to experience.

I’ve finally gotten rid of the recurring bills for the landline (which I did not bring with me when I moved) and the wireless broadband for the laptop (I now use the wireless broadband in the mobile phone when needed rather than having two subscriptions).

So anyway, I am not in a pinch. I can continue to buy the occasional book. (The one that came from Amazon this week is “The Soul After Death” by Fr. Seraphim Rose. More on that later, I suppose, if I get to it before the book’s contents are needed.)  I just can’t continue to buy new computers several times a year.  Luckily I have enough for a while. ^_^