Another pulse watch

It may be my memory that fails me, but I think this cost about 50% more for the exact same watch, only in a different color and a little smaller. Then again it may be that it cost 50% more than in 2005, which would make a lot more sense, since Norwegians have probably 50% more money to spend than in 2005. The increase in disposable income here in Norway has been crazy for the last decade or so. Wages and salaries have been going up, taxes have been going down (a little), and interests have gone very low because of the international financial crisis (which we don’t have here).

In retrospect, buying non-essentials in December is not the wisdom of Solomon either, generally speaking.  But in one thing I feel justified: Buying mail order would have saved me money, but there would be no way of guessing whether I could actually pick it up, since the post office is 30 minutes of walking from home, and there is no guarantee that this distance will be survivable until spring. It could be mild tomorrow, or it could be howling arctic wind for a couple months like last year.

Ironically, that’s what I want it for, to find out whether the heart lurches when I walk in the cold actually reflect a change in heart rhythm or not. That’s why I asked for the cheapest model they had, because I really don’t need to count calories or stay in my optimal zone or get weekly statistics. As far as I am concerned, it is a medical expense, but I don’t think my health insurer would agree.

Paying bills

I also have to restrain my greed these days. (BTW, force and enforce are not synonyms. If in doubt, ask yourself: Force whom to enforce what?)

Another month, another stack of bills to pay! Actually only a few, although I am sure there will be a utility bill safely after Christmas, when most people are broke. That way the utility company can generously offer to let you pay it over two months instead, against an interest that just barely resembles usury. I won’t need that option, barring divine retribution, I just think I notice a pattern in bills being scarce before and during the Christmas shopping and plentiful in January.

While I am not being squeezed financially, I still have some loan left, almost a year after I moved. It is not particularly expensive, but a bit embarrassing. Before I moved here, money was plentiful, despite my modest income. If I wanted a new computer or a new mobile phone, I would simply buy it, since I always had money lying around that I did not need. But these days I have to think it over: Do I really want to borrow money for this? And while I do that, I tend to find out that I don’t need this thing at all, or certainly not this year.

One thing that still flies under the radar though is books. Today I bought Voyage of the Dawn Treader, as is good and proper. I have not bought it before, but evidently the unwitting parody… er, movie, is coming out these days. And, more importantly, an online acquaintance has written a book about the mystical aspects of Narnia and of Dawn Treader in particular, hurriedly published to coincide with the movie. I better read the real thing first, eh? Although I kind of have the cliff notes in my head due to unavoidable cultural references.

I’ve also spent a little time studying Japanese on my computer. I have a vague plan to do that a little each day, not counting anime. Anime is nice and all, but as I say, the real life applications of being able to ask a shrine maiden to go out with me is likely to be scarce. So instead I have started on more realistic phrases like “Can you speak English?”, “Where is the bathroom?” and “Whose book is this?”. I am sure if I go over this stuff for half an hour each day, I’ll make steady progress.

You know, it is probably a very enviable position to not be able to fill a whole entry with just talking about my bills. But envy leads straight to hell, so instead please share in my happiness. And I will try to share in yours, if any.

An unsteady heart

The road I walked. It was a really nice walk apart from this small detail.

First for the physical heart. I have generally had a relaxed relationship to this, compared to the average human, because I hail from a family where heart problems are exceedingly rare before the age of 70 if at all. But occasionally there have been unexplained speed changes, perhaps once a year on average. I know the first summer after I stopped eating fat, when I took long walks it happened at least twice that my heart started running much faster than was normal for such an activity, and kept doing so for a while. It passed when I sat down for a while. I have had a couple more dramatic episodes where the heart just ran as fast as it could for a while, and I’ve seen a doctor for that a couple times.

Today was in the first category. I took a walk to the grocery shop, because unexpectedly the weather had turned mild, several degrees above freezing. It was like spring, for real. Lovely. But unfortunately by the time I had reached the shop, my heart was racing. Not at full speed, I would say, but about as hard and as fast as when mowing grass with the manual lawnmower, is my estimate. And it continued like that while I stayed there, about a quarter of an hour or more. I had picked some groceries but put them back, not wanting to exert myself the least more than necessary. Besides, I considered that if it grew worse and I had to go to the emergency room, it would be inconvenient to have a bag of food with me. And if I died, I would definitely not need the food. So unless I suddenly got better, it was probably better to not buy anything.

I got better, but only when I came home, another half hour’s walk. I felt a bit weak afterwards, but otherwise it seems to have not hurt me at all. That is to be expected, I guess: It was not max pulse, I think, and it lasted less than an hour, and I am still not old. So in itself it is barely worth mentioning. I do so anyway because later one can go back and see that ah, that happened then, and find a pattern in it.

On that note, this morning my heart was actually abnormally slow for a while after I woke up. I don’t know if there is a connection, but perhaps I (or someone else) will know in the future.


And that was that! Now to the other heart, so to speak. One thing I considered as I walked home was this: It did not seem to be a panic attack, because I did not panic. In the past, I thought, I would probably have done that more easily. That is because in the past, I was convinced deep down that I was going to hell. Now I am not so sure. I mean, it could happen I guess, but it is not a sure thing. There was a resentment inside me that is not there anymore, and there is just more light in my life now. I know that I can look back on my life and say it was a good life, in the sense that it grew brighter and brighter. I think of life with gratitude now. I realize that my problem all the way was myself, my arrogance and lack of self-reflection. That problem is much diminished, I am happy to say.

That said, the heart is a treacherous thing. Despite all this, I have spent most of the day playing City of Heroes. There are new alignment missions now, that you can do up to 5 a day of, to verify your morality. So I’ve been doing a bunch of these, on a bunch of my characters, instead of anything useful or really edifying. I mean, being an imaginary hero is not the worst you can do, but it is a kind of moral self-satisfaction really. It does not help make the world on Earth a better place to live. I wonder how I shall do that. It will take both of my hearts for a long time, I suspect.

“Hay and straw”

Despite the rural placement, there is actually no hay and straw in this house. I include it just to show that I do have somewhere to rest my head, unlike a certain someOne.

This December I have been playing Christmas songs almost from the start of the month. Earlier years I have only done this occasionally, at the spur of the moment. I bought a Christmas CD the first year I had a CD player and has played that sometimes, and another Christmas CD with panflute some years later, but generally I have almost ignored Christmas songs, as I have ignored most other things Christmas related. Well, I did spend Christmas with my best friend for many years and superficially took part in their rituals, but mostly just to be nice.

This year, I have had various good old Christmas songs in my head since around the turn of the month. We’re talking about Christian Christmas songs, not the modern secular “please be nice and let us all be happy” Xmas songs which goes out of their way to not mention God, much less Jesus, although Santa Claus is kosher here since the local name does not have anything to do with saints. These songs are gaining prominence here in Scandinavia at least, but they are not on my mind, of course. I am remembering the songs that were classics when I was born. And probably in most cases when my parents were born too, shortly after World War I.

In fact, today I found one song that was almost forgotten. It is not really a Christmas carol, but there is a line that is vaguely Christmas related, so it is on the Christmas CD Julefred (in Norwegian) by Solveig Leithaug Henderson. There is a parallel English version available, in which the Norwegian songs have been translated into English. I recommend it, as she also has a beautiful voice. She sounds just like she looks. Her voice is not really Enya-level, but is very clean and ideally fit for quiet ballads, and Christmas carols without excessive jazz.

Hay and straw (“Høy og strå” in Norwegian) was a song Solveig’s old parents taught her just as it was about to be forgotten. “It is surely well known among people above 90” they told her. Seems like it was snatched from the jaws of oblivion indeed!

I was listening to Christmas songs on Spotify, the (then) European music streaming site. I was searching for Julefred (Christmas Peace) as this is the name of another Christmas album I know of, and this one showed up as well, and had a couple of my old favorites. It was seeming coincidence that I came to hear this one, and immediately paid attention: The melody was very, very familiar. One of my beloved songs from The Christian Church (“Smith’s Friends”, a Norwegian super pious church) uses the same melody. They “borrowed” it from this song – I assume it is safely out of copyright, since that’s shorter here than in the USA – but I had never heard the original until now. I heard it and was greatly moved.

The song is not really about Christmas, but generally about the poverty in which Jesus Christ lived, having nowhere to call his home.

The birds of the sky may have their nests, the foxes in the forest their den; the world’s Savior had no place he called his home on Earth.

Hay and straw was the bedding of his crib, the world’s desert was his resting place. He to whom earth and heaven belongs, wandered here on Earth without a home.

When in prayer he spoke to his father, he went up to the top of the mountain; he who created myriads of stars, for himself he did not build a house.

(From the Norwegian song; the official translation is re-imagined in poetry.)

There is some uncertainty as to whether Jesus actually did own a home, as he lived in Capernaum for a while and there is a reference to “his house”, though it is unclear whether he owned or rented it. In any case, he spent much time on the road and at some point famously mentioned that he did not have anything to rest his head at. So I think the song is justified, whatever the literal facts.

I can’t help but notice that Moses is said to have left his position as Pharaoh’s daughter’s son, choosing instead to suffer with God’s people in the desert for the rest of his life. Elsewhere, Siddhartha Gautama turned his back on a kingdom to achieve enlightenment, and as the Buddha spent his life as a beggar to teach others. Even Lao-Tzu eventually left his library and set off with only a lowly water buffalo, at which point he supposedly wrote the Tao te Ching on request.

I can’t help but think that anyone who wants to save the world from the luxury of their palace or even mansion is unlikely to have lasting success, given the necessity for all these great spirits to venture into the desert. (Not that all of these are equal in my eyes, but you should know that already.) And rarely is this summed up better than in this near forgotten Christmas song: He to whom Earth and Heaven rightly belongs, wandered here on Earth without a home. Well, at least part of the time. ^_^

It’s all about me!

The little guy in the background is the main character and presumed future emperor of the galaxy, but people do whatever they want without considering him at all. With me it is the other way around: I am just some guy, and yet the mighty rivers of the air change their course to accommodate me. I am not sure what is the more disturbing of these two situations.

Well, you could wonder. The weather stayed mild for approximately one day, from Saturday evening to Sunday evening. Then the land went back into the deep freeze, even more than before. It is around -15C now, varying from -13 to -17 (8 to 1 Fahrenheit).

It was enough for my water pipes to thaw though, so I still have water. Even the shower has worked since, though one may wonder how long that can last. It seems unlikely that this whole thing happened over all of southern Norway (and probably some more) just for my sake, though if I had been the main character, it would certainly have made sense.

I think I’ll wait a bit longer before declaring myself the Most Important Person of Scandinavia though. I am reminded of a Christian meeting I was on shortly after the fall of the Soviet Union, at which point an elderly man in the congregation got up and told us all that he had prayed for just such an outcome. That was almost certainly true. But I suspect that pray for this also did a large number of the tens of millions who were murdered, directly or indirectly, by the Soviet system, and a goodly number of their relatives as well. And while I cannot say for sure, I would not be surprised if their prayers were at least as fervent.

In fact, being the main character in one’s own eyes is one of the biggest problems of being human. But that said, I do appreciate having running water in my bathroom again, even if I’m not the Main Character except on my blog!

Weather report!

Winter is such an exciting time here at Riverview! You never know when the water will freeze or thaw. Today, it thawed. But it was a narrow victory!

For about a week now, the long-term weather forecast has said that Saturday afternoon the temperature would rise rapidly to above the freezing point. That seemed almost too good to be true. I did not want to get my hope up. Last winter there were several such false starts. This is no miracle, for Norway has had a couple decades of mild winters. Naturally the models we use now are based on those years, and not on the temperature nosedive leading up to last year and this. It is as if we are in a different zone now, with less hot summers and colder winters.

So I was not surprised to see that the thermometer stayed below zero (Celsius, where zero is conveniently the freezing point of water). But it crept fairly close. By now it is like -1.3 or so, milder than the forecast from earlier today. And mild enough, it turns out, for the water to begin moving again. The water pipes seem to run in the ground under the house, and some heat is leaking down from the house into the ground. It was like that last year too: The pipes did not freeze until around -4, and thawed at around -2.  The same happened now: After a few hours above -2, the water in the bathroom faucet came back: First the cold, and a bit later the hot. And finally the shower too!

I had hoped to get to shower again before Christmas, and that wish has now been fulfilled. A rather chilly shower, but a real shower. Ah, the luxuries of civilization!

I’ll try to keep the faucets dripping. Hopefully it will become second nature eventually. There is nothing I can do about the shower, it does not have a drip mode. It is on/off, really, although I can vary the pressure within certain limits. Not enough to keep the hot water from running out if I leave it on overnight though.  So I enjoy it while it lasts.

I hope you have a wonderful time as well! But if not, tell me about your problems and I will give you unwanted advice instead of sympathy. That’s what men do, or so I have read. ^_^

Still cold

Coldest November in Norway in 91 years, says the local newspaper. I can certainly believe that, although I cannot remember that far back. Neither can my father, for that matter. That year was roughly similar to this one. Apart from that, none since people started to write down temperatures in this country.

I have pretty much given up on the living room. I keep it above freezing, but not enough to stay in. I try to keep my study warm enough for sitting, the bathroom warm enough for shitting, and the bedroom warm enough for sleeping. That’s pretty much it, and it is hard. I think the heat pump may be leaking, there is a weird smell when I use it that has not been there before. If it still works tomorrow it is probably not the heat transfer liquid that is leaking. I am not running it tonight though. The computers should keep the study safe from freezing.

The optimistic news is from the meteorologists, who say that Saturday afternoon the weather will change completely, to several degrees above freezing. They have said this for several days now, but they did not predict the sudden deepening of the cold tonight. They still think it is -8, but it is below -12 now (10 degrees F) and probably still sinking, as the sky is fairly clear. It looks like the winter is digging in before the battle…

It is not what I would have prayed for, but the truth is that I have not prayed for the cold to go away either. God surely has other things to consider as well. One should be very careful to not pray egotistical prayers, for they might be heard by someone other than the intended recipient. I will pray for my life and limbs, for I hope with them to still pay back some of the gratitude I owe this world. But luxury and excessive comfort is another matter. If God thinks I have too much of that, it may well be true. It is easy to get uppity when everything works like a charm the way I want it.

In the Norse mythology, one of the signs of Ragnarok -the Apocalypse – was the Fimbul Winter, three winters with no summer between them. But still worse than the cold upon the land was the cold in the hearts, where “no man will spare another”. From that kind of cold, I pray God save us.

Mostly good, some scary

“A person’s destiny can’t be seen, you might die tomorrow.” Japanese proverb, roughly meaning “don’t postpone till tomorrow what you can do today”. (Which is a Norwegian proverb, I have no idea what you say in English.) Anyway, I did not die today either, just barely.

Today was my first day at work after my NaNoWriMo vacation. My boss called me and welcomed me back. (She has office in a different part of the country.) She also congratulated me on something I had forgotten: Today I have been employed by the Norwegian state for 30 years! Not necessarily a badge of honor for a conservative, but I am not an ambitious person in this world. My coworker was sent out (by my boss) to buy me a plant to commemorate the event. Also talked a bit with him after having talked with my boss. My second coworker was home with a fever, talked a little with him as well.

It may have been the talking, or a creeping cold, or the C vitamin tablet I was sucking, but just as I should go home, my vocal cords locked up. Just plain locked up! I could not breathe neither in nor out. Scary! It stopped fairly quickly, probably less than half a minute, but there was a period afterwards where I frantically tried to clear my throat and couldn’t. There wasn’t anything obvious there, it was the throat itself that somehow locked up, far as I could find out.

This has happened a couple times before, and it remains just as scary every time. I have survived every time, but since I don’t know what it is, I have no idea whether one always survives or I just have struck lucky so far.

I believe I was eating a C vitamin tablet when it happened one of the previous times as well, and at least once with a semi-medical throat lozenge. That does not mean eating these things triggers it. It could be because I eat these things when my throat is starting to get icky from an infection, and the infection may also be the reason for my throat locking up. The mechanism of this is unknown to me. But the expert who looked at my throat this spring / summer did not see anything peculiar about my vocal cords.

It is strange to think that literally we live only one breath from death. Or one heartbeat, for that matter. And yet most of us live for many decades, and not a few complain about boredom and wish for a more exiting, dangerous life. Some to the point of bringing about their own end. If only they could have given those years to me. I love this life, and I wish I could help y’all share that love somehow.

Another winter day

These are pieces of ice that have accumulated and frozen together, not churning waters. As I said yesterday, a night ago the river froze over. Barring some unexpected news, it will stay that way till spring.

I have  acquired some more respect for the elderly couple who used to live here before the house was fixed up a bit and rented out to me. It was almost certainly no better insulated then, possibly less. And frankly the electric fuses don’t allow me to heat the whole house even if I wanted to waste that much money. (At least the couple did not have to pay rent, but I am sure they had their expenses on the house as well.) So they probably had to sleep in an ice cold bedroom, and huddle in the living room for the four months of the year which real winter lasts around here.

This is how winter in Norway was until my childhood or thereabout, when people started building windtight, insulated homes. I remember my early childhood living in a house like this, but then my father had it insulated in various ways. And at least we did not get the northern wind ever, because the mountains loomed over us in that direction. Here, the valley runs north-south, so the old folks must have had this howling northern wind every winter. Evidently they still survived well into old age, though.

If I don’t reach the ripe old age of my ancestors, it will probably not be because of the house. What gets at people in this time and age is something else, namely stress.

I am rereading “Tips to Find Happiness – Creating a Harmonious Home for Your Spouse, Your Children and Yourself” by Ryuho Okawa. I feel as ambivalent about this man as ever. It is just disturbing to think that someone of his obvious intelligence and even wisdom would pretend to be God, even in a manner of speaking. Luckily this is one of the many books in which he does not bring up the matter of his divinity at all, though he does recommend reading his books and listening to his lectures to get Heavenly light in your life.  Then again, I wish I could recommend you read the Chaos Node to get Heavenly light into your life. Perhaps one day. Right now it is a bit flickering, I guess.

Anyway, the view of health and illness that he presents in this book is very similar to my own view. It takes (as befits the Buddha) a middle path: Not the chemical materialism of modern medicine, and not the “faith healing” approach of some religious movements where illness is seen as a proof of sin. Some illness cannot be avoided, says Mr Okawa, but often illness is a result of stress, and this can be greatly reduced with the right attitude.

In addition to the modern concept of stress, Mr Okawa also operates with the Mahayana Buddhist concepts of negative spiritual influences, which may come from dead people but also from the living. The mind of a human has the ability to influence other people’s bodies, but only through their own mind. If your mind glows with divine life, negative influences will not be able to attach to you, whether they come from the living or the dead.

This theory of spiritual influences may sound pretty weird to us, but it is really similar to Jung’s theory of complexes: Independent balls of thought or emotion living in the subconscious, which may be formed by our experiences with other people (living or dead) or archetypes, generic ideas of our culture or the human race. So it is not some “hocus pocus”, it is the way the human mind works. These complexes can be counterproductive, sometimes very much so, making us do things we know are bad ideas, but suddenly we do them anyway or even just realize that we have done them, like staying up half the night reading a book, or eating lots of unhealthy foods. These things don’t just happen, there are these dark dust bunnies of the soul pulling our strings.

As you may guess, I am a little out of my best shape myself. Something vaguely sinus related seems to bother my head, and my eyes and nose and throat are all sore. So is the skin on the back of my hands. I should probably do something about this dry air.  That, and shine more brightly with inner light. ^_^

NaNoWriMo win!

Not quite “in hoc signo vinces”…

…but at least a sign that I managed to write 50 000 words of more or less coherent novel text during National Novel Writing Month. So that’s a step up from last year, although I have made it twice before.

In the end, the story that grew to 50 000 words was “TSI”, my fanfic for the movie “Buddha Saitan” (The Rebirth of Buddha) based on a book by Ryuho Okawa. The connection to the movie is actually quite loose: The eponymous organisation is referenced numerous times in the movie and also in my story, but there is very little about the actual organization in the movie. We know that they have meetings in large halls where Taiyou Sorano, the Buddha Reborn, speaks in simple but deeply moving and uplifting words to the congregation, who then begin to glow with an inner light (presumably only visible to spiritual sight, as the main character of the movie has).

Unfortunately my story takes place in a nameless city in the USA, so Master Sorano only appears on a big screen. Plus, the city only has about 150 TSI members at the time of the book, so it is unlikely that any bigger events will take place unless my hero makes a trip to the nearest temple (or whatever they are called in TSI).

The story is therefore mostly slice of life, with none of the movie characters actually appearing in person. (This has the benefit that I might rewrite it into a non-fanfic if need be, but that would take most of the fun out of it for me.) The story is told in first person by a male college student, born and raised in America by Japanese parents. Things don’t go too well in college: He begins to go drinking and partying in order to have sex, which is a long time in coming (insert bitter comments about prejudices against Japanese male reproductive apparatus here) and even when it finally happens it is not all it was supposed to be. He turns to online gaming, and gets totally hooked. His grades decline further. All things collapse.  His father gets a terminal illness, his love life goes straight down the drain as his online girlfriend turns out to be a guy, and his online guild is destroyed by his careless mistake. Lonely and miserable he cries alone in the park, when a small girl comes by and gives him a book of Master Sorano’s Teachings of the Mind.

Actually, his father still dies and his love life still sucks, but now he has Buddha’s Truth and friends he can trust, so he is happy anyway. ^_^

Well, a lot of things happens. After all, if slice of life was interesting, people could just read my journal instead, right? So there are dreams and visions and girls with crushes and guardian angels and stuff, not as dramatic as the movie but more dramatic than watching other people’s kids play soccer.

I still have water in the kitchen, long my it last! The river froze over tonight. Still no snow.