Anti-temptation of silence

"The silence is killing me"

“The silence is killing me” is the usual feeling among humans, so of course with me the opposite must be true: The silence is giving me life. But is that what I really want? I have to wonder…

You know that people have temptations, in which they are pulled toward something they expect to be pleasurable but their conscience says is bad. Light knows I have had plenty of that in my life, and almost certainly will continue to have for as long as I live.

But this is the opposite. A temptation toward something that is not fun but which appears to me as good and pure and praiseworthy. Unsurprisingly, such temptations are quite easy to resist.

The temptation started after I had gone through my archive removing buttpics. I had left some page (without said pictures) open, and looking at a nearby entry I saw my imagination of what my day would have been if it had been 1958 instead of 2008.  One conclusion was that without computers and Internet, I would have spent quite a bit more time reading, writing, and praying.  At least that is what I think now that I do have computers and Internet. But I also seem to remember that I did, in fact, do more of all these when I was young, before I became connected to the world via an AORTA – Always Online Real-Time Access.

The Christian Church of Brunstad, back in the days when it was even purer and more innocent than today, had a story circulating. I think it may not even have been one of the Friends it happened to, but perhaps some other serious Christian, of which there were perhaps more back then. A Christian man was buying a TV for the first time, when he saw the following text on the packaging: “Jetzt kommt die Welt ins Haus!” (Now comes the World into the house!) Immediately he realized the errors of his ways and undid the purchase.

It bears mention that the TV is now the rule rather than the exception in the Christian Church. Whereas in my home there is no TV, nor do I expect there to every be. Of course, I have the Internet, which is less brain-numbing but quite distracting.

So what I have been thinking since, is that perhaps I should try to establish a “computer-free zone” of time, perhaps on the Sabbath until sundown or something? First just to see for real what I would do. Would I actually spend more time reading and praying? Not writing, probably, since my manual typewriter eventually made it to its final resting place during one of the last couple moves. But my book backlog is still growing and could need some extra hours. Of course, reading the kind of books I usually do would probably inspire me to write. A lot. Still, it would probably be better than playing The Sims yet again. Not that there is anything outright evil about The Sims. But sometimes, not being evil is not enough.  Or so I am anti-tempted to think.

Less playful?

I wonder if this is the image I project these days?

It is not just the buttpics that seem out of place. Reading some of my old attempts at novels, I can’t help but think they are less decent than I would like to write now.

On the other hand, they are a lot more fun to read. The indecency, such as it is, is mostly humorous and pretty harmless by modern standards. (Although by the standards of St Teresa, it is probably extremely sinful and would cause her to pray loudly for my soul for many hours, if she thought it could be saved at all. Actually I have known some people like that. They belonged to the Christian Church popularly called “Smith’s Friends”. I would not be surprised if they were actually saints too.)

Anyway, the wardrobe malfunctions and misunderstood double entendres are only a small part of what makes these writings fun. The best part is the dialog, which is probably subconsciously inspired by my own childhood. The rapid, deadpan banter between us boys was amazing and hilarious, and even now in our adult life we can impress people with our improvised comedy show when we get together.  I can’t say I have seen or heard anything like it, although some Japanese comedy comes pretty close. So that is something I like to weave into my stories. Or liked to.

I am not sure I can do that anymore. Reading it, I feel like I could not possibly write anything like this again. The playful “voices in my head” – inspirations, though-clusters – have largely moved out and given room for more mature, wise, spiritual voices. OK, “more” does not really say much in this context. But anyway, I am not sure I can be funny anymore.

I may have grown up, finally. Except I still play either Sims 2 or 3 pretty much every day. And sometimes even City of Heroes. There is a new “Issue” – a free expansion – rolling out in the coming week. Belatedly it introduced soloing Incarnate (endgame) content. When I heard of it, I thought: ‘Too bad they didn’t do that before I started taking my life more seriously.’ I would probably have played it day and night, even a couple years ago.

Ah, I wonder who I will be in the future, if any. Probably not a comedian, but there are other forms of happiness. I hope I can find some way to share those.

No more buttpics

After conferring with God, I have gone through the archives and removed almost all the buttpics. I think I got nearly all the photos, there are a couple mostly blurry pictures from games and such left. These photos served their role in the past, but they are not fitting now. And I need to be merciful to people who may be sexually affected by butts. It happens, and they should not be needlessly dragged into temptation when coming to a place like this. I have to become more merciful over time. That is the way.

The pictures are still there, I only added a .b at the end of the filename, so historians of the future can still find them if they deem it important. Somehow I don’t think so, though.

(And before new readers let their imagination run wild, there was always some degree of clothing. Usually day clothes.)


So bright…

I kind of know that feeling. (Picture from the anime “Laws of Eternity”.)

I think there is a tendency, particularly for us men, to think of ourselves as “brighter”, smarter and more knowledgeable than others. This is usually because we easily forget our own mistakes, or explain them away, thinking that we had a good reason for them, or that someone else caused us to make the mistake, or that it would be unreasonable to expect this or that from us. When it comes to others, it is much simpler. They really are that stupid, or coarse, or lacking in character. Savages or degenerates, barbarian or superstitious, they are just hopeless and can’t be counted on. They are not like us.

So when I notice that almost everyone is ignorant and prefers to stay so, I have to wonder whether I am just caught in the same trap as the rest. Do I simply mistake my own collection of illusions for the Truth, and consider everyone else deluded? Certainly they would think so, and without a trace of doubt. In fact, the trace of doubt is one of the reasons why I feel that I have actually “seen the light” as the saying goes.

The other is that in many cases I have been where they’re hanging, I think I can see how they’re pinned. If I have not gone that far in their direction, I have been far enough to survey the terrain. The Zeitgeist, the spirit of the times, is not something you casually overlook. Even if you have massive help fighting it, you can hardly avoid noticing it.

Also: When you dream, you do not know that you dream. Becoming aware of the dream is the beginning of waking up. Or in another metaphor, if all you know is night and twilight, the twilight may seem to be day. But once the dawn breaks, it is impossible to maintain that illusion anymore.

And the brightness is not one that conveniently shines only on everyone else. It also painfully drives home my own life up to now and various errors and omissions habitual to myself. And perhaps that more than anything makes it hard to write about, because writing is to hold judgment on myself. If I ignore that part, life will make sure to arrest me again.

In other words, I am surrounded by idiots, and so are the people around me. It is just that my foolishness is the opposite of what they think it is, by and large.

Although it is probably tilting at windmills, I am tempted to try to convey some of this brightness. Although today certainly did not do so.


Still here

I should say something so people know I am still alive.

I have been writing a number of spiritual / religious entries lately. (The difference between the two is less than most people like to pretend these days, and this in fact was the topic of one of them.) But even if the teaching is healthy, as I believe it is, I am still not worthy to teach it. And there is also the whole “iceberg” thing, the proportion between what is above and below the surface. That is already pretty bad as is.

I wish someone else would write all those things in a way that is easy to understand, so I could just link to them. You may know that one motto for this blog is “We must say all the words that should be spoken, before they are lost forever.” But I really wish someone else would do it on topics such as these.

The other things in my life seem almost (or even not almost) embarrassing in comparison. I’ll see what I can do, though. After all, I do spend my time on all kinds of things, not mainly spiritual books and prayer (and definitely not fasting)!

Writing and gut feeling

My writing has dwindled after my dentist visit where I got the penicilline prescription. Both here and my fiction. It has not stopped entirely, but there is certainly not much of it and it does not strike me as inspiring.

Which leads me to wonder if my inspiration may actually be the collective intelligence of my gut bacteria, which I so callously sacrificed to try to preserve a tooth.  OK, that is absurd. But it would make a good sci-fi story, don’t you think? And there is probably already some guy making a you-tube video explaining it. If it is thinkable, it is on YouTube. Sometimes, it seems, even if not.

Less flippantly, I have read repeatedly that the gut is packed with neurons similar to those in the brain. This does not necessarily mean that it is actually thinking. It’s not like there is a pound of those cells or anything. A more likely explanation is that they are there to maintain the very delicate balance needed for the gut flora to thrive, or something. But in the face of penicillin, I am afraid there is not much it can do. At least I am eating mostly yogurt. Would that count as artificial intelligence? ^_^

Religious blog? Not yet!

Obviously fake angel

I have forgotten what anime I took this picture from, but it was not nearly as pious as it looks. And neither am I, unfortunately.

I have noticed with some unease that the Chaos Node, despite its name, tends to contain more and more religious / spiritual / metaphysical entries. If you put the ruler on this, as we say in Norwegian (a phrase meaning “extrapolate”) , it won’t be long before this is an all-out religious / spiritual blog. While that is not a bad thing in itself, it is far from an accurate representation of my life. The whole autobiography aspect that has run through the Chaos Node since its early days in 1998, is now in danger. But more importantly, there is a direct threat of hypocrisy. Because I am not actually that religious and spiritual. Although it seems to be seeping into me, it is nothing like completely taking over my life. I think. Yet.

I am still playing computer games almost daily. Mostly The Sims 3, and a little City of Heroes.  These days I am also reading a (would-be) SF novel. It is admittedly a Mormon SF novel, but I am definitely not a Mormon (although I suppose I vaguely aspire to an actual latter-day saint, if these are the latter days – anyway, I am not there, and I don’t think most of them are either, except in the most generic meaning). Remind me to review it if I finish it (which I intend to do). Mormons in space! Less absurd than absurd theater. Probably. I haven’t finished it yet.

I even watch some anime. I should review them. That would show you. They are not of the pantsu (underwear) type, but that could be because there are no good anime of that type recently, I suppose. It certainly need not be about me. Did you know there was a half-season animated series about underwear a couple years ago? It followed a bunch of girls and their underwear as they established an underwear club at school. I actually started watching it, but it really wasn’t that interesting. Or I may be growing old. Who knows. Probably not, I did not think a lot about underwear when I was young either. Well, I did occasionally think about my own, but that was pretty much it.

Anime are my main source of pictures, though. Sometimes a series is not all that amazing, but it has pictures that illustrate things I tend to say. Also, people will google for anime pictures and come to the Chaos Node.  Serves them right! ^_^

I used to write about economics on a fairly regular basis, you know. But you (the collective you) didn’t listen to my warnings. Actually, I guess the Collective You didn’t even know that I existed, but there were other voices as well, and the Collective You didn’t listen to them either. And so things went to Niflheim in a nutshell, as it keeps doing to this day. I guess I could write more about it, but I have no hope that it would make a difference. In fact, very few things would make a difference in macroeconomics anymore, short of a big war, an asteroid collision, or a decent number of legions of angels, things on that scale.

And without things on that scale, the World of Spirit is actually the most interesting thing in my life right now. Not the most pleasurable, really, although the absence of spirituality would be unspeakably horrifying. But it’s not exactly fun… well, not all of the time. But is is grand. It is epic. It is for all purposes unlimited in so many directions. It is awesome. So even though I should keep my mouth shut and listen and learn, it tends to boil over. Because it is interesting AND important and useful for everyone.

But I’ll try to keep it from taking over the blog.  At the very least I am bound by honor and decency to not pretend I am some sort of actual practicing saint.


From output to input

Male sim reading book in a dimly lit room

Even my sim is reading.

I have a stack of entries of a religious / spiritual nature lying on my draft list. I think they can stay there, at least for the time being. And the time being is always all we have, so no promises.

After I joined Goodreads (a social network for book lovers, I guess) I have shifted to input mode, it feels. Although I have also been writing reviews (and that takes a lot of time, surprisingly) I have also been reading more than before. I used to read on the commute, but these days I am even reading at home! Imagine that. Actually the reading I do at home is rereading, either before or after reviewing a book. But the effect is the same. I am reading instead of writing.

But it is not just a matter of time, as “I spend so much time reading, I don’t have time to write.” That is not literally true. I had enough time to write if I really wanted to.  But I am kind of stuck in this input mode. It does not feel natural to suddenly shift to writing.

That is strange, because usually the easiest way for me to start writing was to read a short passage of a spiritual book of high level but below actual Holy Scripture. I would then automatically begin to expand the message as it came alive inside me, and easily have a full entry based on a paragraph or two. After all, their light is more concentrated than mine, as I have mentioned before.

But now that does not feel right, right now. Perhaps it is just that I am stuck in input mode. Or perhaps it is a dawning realization that I am not worthy. I mean, I already know that. I try to not pass myself off as a spiritual teacher, but rather a kind of tourist reporting the sights and sounds of this exciting world of the higher reality. But even so, I am kind of feeling the weight of my inferiority when I compare myself to a true saint like St Teresa or John of the Cross. They really are that high, high above me.

Of course, I already feel pretty remote from most of mankind for the opposite reason, if only in the matter of theoretical understanding. I have seen so much, and yet done so little. And so I feel the need for input more than for output, right now. Usually this doesn’t last, though. Perhaps it should, but usually it doesn’t.

A failed attempt

I have tried repeatedly to write an entry about a topic that is sensitive to many people (though I don’t feel that way personally). Despite the time I have spent on it, I have not had the conscience to publish any of my attempts. This is simply to inform you why the entry isn’t there.

A new restriction

No! No, I mustn’t destroy my health to blogviate at great length about things that are mostly above my praygrade!

Starting yesterday, my right arm hurts pretty much from the neck to the fingers, although some poses are not too bad. I can type, but not much. I also happen to have a head and throat cold, so I can’t dictate much either.

Perhaps “Someone Up There” thinks I should cut down on the sanctimonious prattle…?

And I had even found this great passage from Meditations on the Tarot that I would gladly write about, but perhaps you understand it with just his own words. Perhaps you even understand it better? Who knows.

For the “zone of silence” does not only signify that the soul is, fundamentally, at rest, but also, and rather, that there is contact with the heavenly or spiritual world, which works together with the soul. He who finds silence in the solitude of concentration without effort, is never alone. He never bears alone the weight that he has to carry; the forces of heaven, the forces from on high, are there taking part from now on.