My writing has dwindled after my dentist visit where I got the penicilline prescription. Both here and my fiction. It has not stopped entirely, but there is certainly not much of it and it does not strike me as inspiring.
Which leads me to wonder if my inspiration may actually be the collective intelligence of my gut bacteria, which I so callously sacrificed to try to preserve a tooth. Â OK, that is absurd. But it would make a good sci-fi story, don’t you think? And there is probably already some guy making a you-tube video explaining it. If it is thinkable, it is on YouTube. Sometimes, it seems, even if not.
Less flippantly, I have read repeatedly that the gut is packed with neurons similar to those in the brain. This does not necessarily mean that it is actually thinking. It’s not like there is a pound of those cells or anything. A more likely explanation is that they are there to maintain the very delicate balance needed for the gut flora to thrive, or something. But in the face of penicillin, I am afraid there is not much it can do. At least I am eating mostly yogurt. Would that count as artificial intelligence? ^_^