Collect the small moments that make you smile, that make you feel warm inside, that make you think “I am glad I did that”. They may not show up in your budget or even in your obituary; but when you go to die, they will make a world of difference.
I realized this spring: Â I have pretty much stopped warning people about the economy, as I routinely did before. It is too late for that. Â Instead, I will concentrate on the gospel of finding happiness in small things. Because small things is all most of you will be able to afford in the coming age.
The age of growth is over in the USA and its closest allies. Â But there are still those who just dig in and hope for the golden age to return. It won’t.
“Our golden age has ended; so say our analysts.” A familiar phrase for those who played the strategy game Civilization. Based on thousands of years of history, the second version of the game incorporated the idea of “golden ages” for each civilization. There certainly seems to be something to it. In any case, the US and its best friends had a glorious one, better than any time in known history. So let us not be bitter. All things that have form come to an end; strive diligently!
Riches come and go; customs and fashions change; the values of one generation differ from the next; even languages drift over time. But there are many joys that have existed since the dawn of history. Already Aristotle wrote glowingly about the greatness of friendship. It is just as great today, and for the time being at least, we have a rare ability to make friends all over the world. This is amazing. But to be able to visit a friend or invite a friend or a few, to listen to them talking and see their smiles (and occasionally frowns), is just as great as it was more than 2000 years ago.
The beauty of nature is still available to most, thought it is not right outside the door for all. But even a park can be a place of beauty, yes, even a backyard. Flowers grow even indoors, and the clouds in the sky are still free.
Do you remember when you were a kid and enjoyed a blank piece of paper and some crayons? (Well, unless you grew up in the age of computers, I guess.) Crayons are still affordable for pretty much everyone in the English-speaking world, long may it last! You may even be able to get your hands on some good watercolor sets. I can’t count how many hours I spent drawing and painting when I was a kid, although I have less than no talent for it; in fact, I may literally be brain-damaged in that regard. I still enjoyed it, and if I could, so can you.
For those who enjoy listening to music, the golden age has definitely not ended. There may not be much good music created lately, but the music from the past is still around, reaching centuries back for those so inclined, although some prefer to stop in the 80es or 60es. Your taste may vary, but there sure is a lot of music in this world! And should you want to make your own, there are various instruments that don’t require a huge expense, at least not until you reach the level where you want to perform in public. And if it is the day before payday, hopefully you still have your singing voice!
If you have read this far, you are definitely good at reading, so you may want to borrow a book at the library or from a friend. Be a friend and lend someone a book, if they are not known for vandalizing them at least. And there are books you may want to buy, when you can afford them, because they are worth reading not just twice, but many times throughout your life and in generations to come as well.
I will not go on and on, but if you don’t hate people, there is no reason to live and die unhappy. This world is a good place and every day the sun rises again, even the days when you can’t see it. Be calm, be friendly, forgive mistakes as you also make mistakes, create something, give a gift or a word of appreciation, and live with light in your heart. It is cheap and your happiness will last for this life and, I believe, into the next.
Have I asked you whether you have read _The Once and Future King_ by T. H. White? If you haven’t, you should.
. . . and by this, I mean you, specifically, as well as a kind of “You ought to read that!” to everyone else, but . . . you, Magnus, should read it.