Not an angel

Screenshot anime Minami-ke Tadaima. Don't worship Chiaki!

“Stop wishing and praying to me!” If you’re paying even a little attention, you can see that I am not an angel. If I am suspended between Heaven and Earth, it is certainly not by the power of flight.

Wherever the rays of the sun reach, we say that we are “in the sun”, and in a way that is true. Inside the globe that is also called the sun, nothing can live. If the sun itself extended to this planet, we would be vaporized. In the heart of the sun itself is utter darkness and deadly energy that rips apart even the atoms themselves; yet here, at a safe distance, we are basking “in the sun” on a bright spring day. The sun that maintains all life here on Earth is alien and dangerous, yet it is still here, in a form that can support us.

They say you are what you eat. In that case I am stardust charged with sunshine. Everything on your plate and everything in your body is made of this, but chances are you also haven’t thought of it very often?

The True Light is also alien beyond imagination, and yet it is from this that we are made and from this that we are maintained.

So make your wishes and prayers to the Light, the Eternal, the Uncreated. If it sees fit to choose me to use, even if I don’t deserve it, then I am going to do so whether I plan to or not. And if it chooses otherwise, there is nothing in my power to do about it. I can choose what to do, to some extent, but I cannot really choose the outcome of it, for there is always more than this one pawn in the play.

If I forget this, there is a good chance I will be reminded of it, quite forcefully. That is a special love and I am grateful for it … afterwards. Sometimes long afterwards.

Well, that was certainly pretentious enough. I will make myself even smaller than this.