This post is for other people who, like me, can’t connect their Samsung Galaxy Tab or phone to the Samsung KIES. It may also affect other programs that try to transfer files between the phone and the Windows computer.
When the tablet was plugged in, a process began on Windows to install 3 different drivers at the same time. The middle of these, called MTP, failed after a fairly long time (3 minutes?). The same happened when I used the KIES option for solving connection problems. It tried to reinstall, but again the MTP failed.
What solved it for me was to (turn off the Galaxy), remove the SIM card, start the Galaxy and connect the cables again. This time there appeared a window with 4 installs, all of them successful. I could then connect to KIES as well.
Ironically, the only reason I did all this in the first place was to check for software update to the unit (Galaxy Tab 7.7) which was supposed to be upgraded to Android 4.0 (“Ice Cream Sandwich”) by now. But there was no update.
In contrast to this, I upgraded my Galaxy Note over 3G network when it got Ice Cream Sandwich a few weeks ago. But I read today that this won’t work with the 7.7. I wonder if that is true. It seems that different things work for different people.
Ser du har hatt problem med kies. Eg bruker mac som ikke aksepterer kies. Korleis eg evy skal oppdatere min førstegenerasjons galaxy pad er derfor ei gåte….. Heldigvis er ikkje behovet påt re ngande enno. God sommer frå Ståle.
Kva har ein vener for, om dei ikkje vil la deg låne ein PC frå tid til anna? ^_^
Det er vel elles slik at dei fleste som har Mac kjøper seg iPad, og omvendt. Hadde venta betre frå Samsung, likevel.