Just a link to my personal journal, since it is only of interest to friends and family, I hope. “Dentist and penicillin.” It’s all about me, no useful information.
Just a link to my personal journal, since it is only of interest to friends and family, I hope. “Dentist and penicillin.” It’s all about me, no useful information.
Eek! Scraping and surgery . . . I hope they’ll “make you comfortable” for it, at the very least, if they don’t put you entirely to sleep! I know that’s a little over the top, but . . . Eek!
I realize that some painkiller is probably needed for this, since they will be drilling through my gums which are quite sensitive. But I hope I can convince them to keep the painkillers to a minimum. I am far more worried about the effect of neurotoxins on my brain than I am about the surgery as such.
Which neurotoxins would they use? That is a scary thought for someone like me who relies on light-to-moderate painkillers quite frequently!
I don’t mean everyday painkillers, but the stuff they use for making people unconscious during surgery. My aunt claimed to have lost quite a few IQ points during surgery once. Scary stuff, but of course it beats dying. I’d rather not risk it for a tooth, though.
I also had a pretty creepy experience when I was a kid and got an injection of painkiller for pulling out a tooth. I think they may have made some kind of mistake because after I left the dentist, my speech center was affected and the words I spoke were not always the same that I tried to say. There would come seemingly random other words of the same complexity instead. It faded after a while though. Needless to say, this was out and out creepy and I only use painkillers for the most extreme cases.
I seem to be growing into the state you were in when you had your strange experience as a child! My words do not come easily any more, and if I am not focusing carefully I say very strange things, for instance saying “refrigerator” instead of “washer” . . .
The kids get a kick out of it, but I don’t!
I hope it is not quite as bad as that! I know I have a hard time finding the right words anymore, and will say “stuff” and “things” way too often. I write this down to rarely speaking anymore – my written vocabulary seems passable, and perhaps my brain has gotten used to the more relaxed speed of writing? Or I may be growing old, who knows. That sounds a bit early for you though!