Are there really friends that can care about each other their whole life?
I wrote about this at length, but decided against uploading it. I’ve been writing entirely too much about spiritual things lately for someone of my pray grade. So I’ll try to make this more straightforward.
Yes, there really are friends who care about each other for as long as they live. Perhaps not their whole life unless they also happen to be twins, but from the onset of their friendship and forevermore.
St Teresa was one of those people who loved her friends very dearly and always had them close to her heart. You’d think someone who had God had enough, but to her there was not a clear distinction between God and his children. Those who loved “His Majesty”, as she liked to call Him, having them as friends was in a way like having God himself.
The key to robust friendship is that they are founded on love that gives without asking anything in return. Friendships founded on need are not robust. It could simply be the need to not be alone, so these will fade when there is someone more readily available to be together with. Or it could be the need to be entertained, or to feel important, or even in some cases an erotic “need” to be in the presence of an attractive person, which often excites people even if nothing comes of it.
But some friendships are based on a common love for something that does not fade. And these friendships can last for as long as we both shall live, and even beyond, so I believe. Be that as it may, my friendship is free and must be freely accepted. While I’m happy to help a friend, you should not be too optimistic about starting up your friendship by asking for favors, if you are just another greedy human seeking benefits for this brief life on Earth. But if you seek glory and immortality by endurance in good deeds, I’ll definitely consider being Friends Forever. ^_^ I could need more friends like that.