“You’re a novel writer?” -Not at the current pace, I’m not. But I have some novel ideas, I guess.
In the early afternoon today, I decided to stop writing on my NaNoWriMo story. It was a stupid idea in the first place. I thought it would be funny, and I guess it is mildly entertaining. But the cognitive dissonance is too much for a neurotypical human to read, and if I only want to read it myself, I can just do so in my head. I guess erotic religious sci-fi humor is just spreading it too thin, spanning too wide, stretching it etc.
And so, because I have the wisdom of Solomon, I have decided to instead write ANOTHER story that I probably won’t publish because it will disturb people no end. It is something I first wrote before I even got my first PC – I am pretty sure I wrote it on a programmable calculator! It is a complete reboot, of course, since I don’t have the original and haven’t seen it in a decade or two.
It is about a young man who drowns and wakes up in a new body, in a world vaguely similar to the one he left, but not the same. He is not in Heaven or Hell or the New Earth or the Millennium or anything like that. His mind was copied by “sixthers”, people who live in 6 dimensions instead of 4, and have a technology that is indistinguishable from magic. Or perhaps it is a magic that is indistinguishable from technology, it is hard to say when two thirds of their reality is entirely off-limit to us.
So anyway our universe is just one of innumerable “bubbles” in this greater 6-dimensional space. There are other people (for lack of a better word) living in even more dimensions, but it is very rare for them to interact with the bubbles in a way that can be observed. Anyway, evidently the sixthers pick certain people just as they are dying and scan the software on their brains, backing it up and installing it in a new and slightly improved body. They wisely choose to never put people back on their own earth, because even in a new body they would try to get back to the old life they were attached to. Now, they have no attachments. They run errands for the sixthers, trying to make their new world a better place. Or that’s the theory. It may be that ordinary people might not always agree with the sixthers about what the world should be like.
I’ve established at the end of chapter 1 that there will be no sex, never ever. Their bodies are designed and produced in some other way, and although they look like ordinary humans, they are unable to feel sexual desire in any physical way. So that should please the Republican readers. I’m trying to not overdo the similarity to Christian resurrection, although obviously that’s where the inspiration comes from. But this story’s “resurrection” is not general, and happens before the final judgment, if any. It is more Lazarus style, I guess, if Lazarus also got some minor body upgrades in the process.
I wonder if I come up with a new idea again tomorrow?
Anyway, never more erotic religious humor. Or at least I’ll keep that to myself. The world is not ready. And that may well be a good thing.