Did not go out walking today since it rained all afternoon. Spent some time on the exercise bike though.
It has been overcast with frequent rain for the last half or so of May, and chillier than April. I enjoy this, of course. I am weak to heat. Also, if there is a small hole in the clouds where the sun shines through, it is a good bet that it shines on me. That is the kind of guy I am. Or perhaps I am just more likely to notice it. Probably. ^_^
Summer should arrive tomorrow afternoon or the day after.
Spinrite ran on my machine from bedtime yesterday until I came home today. Â It managed to recover “most of” a couple dozen bad sectors. This may seem like an accomplishment, but this was on my OS partition. Recovering “most of” programs and system files means they contain some garbage while still looking usable, which means there is a pretty high risk they will send the computer careening into sheer madness if they ever get called upon.
This also came to pass. At the end of the day, Windows would not even boot. I tried to repair it with the original disk from one of the older XP machines. It gave up at 40%, but miraculously it has actually worked (and fast, too) after that. Well, there is the occasional sudden pause, but overall it is the best it has been in weeks, I think. Of course, you hear about terminally ill patients getting a lucid moment before the end…
This was where the machine crashed for the night. And a little later, so did I. ^_^