A liver am I!

Have you ever thought about this: Someone who loses is called a loser, someone who wins is called a winner, someone who quits is called a quitter, but someone who lives is never called a liver. What were the people thinking who named our internal organs? Well, they seems to have had high thoughts about the liver, and so do I. Anyway, here I am again to live the day, Light willing. Yess!

2 thoughts on “A liver am I!

  1. I am glad you are better. Strangely enough, yesterday my mother had a liver biopsy. Then, today when I got home, I found out that they’d spent six hours at the Emergency Room in Wichita Falls finding out that there seems to be a little inflammation of the liver, as would be expected from someone poking needles in it, but nothing much else. Odd that you mentioned “liver” (although differently, of course), and that my mother was sick (with similar symptoms as yours, no less).


    • Actually, my hypersensitivity to fat began after the liver infection just before Easter 2005. Well, I had episodes of it before, but after that it has taken much less to trigger them. So yes, there is a double meaning in the subject.

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