Business trip

I have a feeling I have used this before, but it is distinctly on-topic for today. Well, yesterday really. Or the time period between them.

It is a rare event, but I was away from home last night, on a work conference for our division.  We stayed at a hotel, and a very cute one at that.  I won’t give the name away because this might let you identify my current employer, which is strongly discouraged by said employer.

I can’t say I found the event particularly useful, as it mostly addressed other problems than the real ones, at least my real ones.  My main problem at work is that I don’t have the access rights and the qualifications to solve the cases that we are falling behind on. Learning to ask our customers open-ended questions and inquire whether they are satisfied with our solutions are not bad ideas, but they pale into insignificance compared to actually being able to SOLVE their problems within a reasonable time and using a resource mostly already available (namely me).

On the bright side, I get paid for sleeping and eating free meals. This may not boost my spiritual growth (if any), but it does mean I can go to work a little later, should the need arise. For instance if I get temporarily sick, such as from fat poisoning. It has been quite a while since last time, several months, but I am not too sure about tomorrow.  I accidentally ate more fat today than I have done and avoided a fat poisoning since I got this condition in 2005.

It started harmlessly when I decided to go for some veggie salad along with my jam for breakfast. Of course this stuff contains mayo along with the sliced veggies.  But I made sure to keep it within my limits.  It was quite tasty, and I took a similar portion for lunch.  Then I realized that we were eating lunch barely four hours after breakfast.  That is a lot faster than my body can process fat. I use to allow 8 hours between fat intakes, although I can usually get away with 6-7. But four?  I am not looking forward to this.  This is the kind of events that cause unspeakable TMI along with the dread.  I have survived larger portions of fat than this, before I realized what triggered the attacks, but my survival came as a pleasant surprise each time.  So, tomorrow could get a lot more exciting than I planned for.  Barring divine intervention, and divine intervention tends to happen only after I’ve learned my lesson, if at all. But we’ll see.

While on vaguely health-related topics, the usual tooth is loose again. I wonder if this means I am supposed to buy another laptop? Because these events have clung together so much that I have made it a running joke in my journal: “Every time you buy a laptop, God kills a tooth.”  (Based on a slightly less family-friendly meme, which I am sure Google with help you with if you are lucky enough to not have heard it.) Actually, about half the times it has just been the same tooth falling out again, not actually a new one dying, so it is not to be taken literally.  Still.  The expense of fixing the tooth will be enough, I think, without shelling out for yet another laptop as well. That will have to wait until I have paid off the moving expenses.

Finally, mystery of the day: When I came off the bus today and fetched my mail, I noticed that there were shallow cuts like paper cuts on the back of the fingers on my right hand. They are all on the joints and they all go diagonally, but not all in the same direction. I have no idea when I got them, as they are practically painless. Life is full of mysteries, eh?

2 thoughts on “Business trip

  1. I am lost with my days now that school is out. It is currently the 11th here, Friday, which makes me think that if you were to be sick you’d know it by now, right?


    • Still no fat poisoning. Divine intervention? Low-fat mayo? I guess we will never know for sure. Even if I somehow mysteriously recovered completely, I would probably never know, as I have no intention of putting it to the test ever again.

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