No need to agree

Do we disagree, or do we just live in different elements?

A reader recently told me they disagree with a lot of my ideas. This is good. It means they are thinking. Of course, thinking and then agreeing would be fine too. At a later stage of intellection, agreement or disagreement become less relevant. (You don’t need to agree with that, you’ll see it when you get there.) This is where I write from, at least in later years.

Of course there are Truths you have to agree with, or you will suffer and create pain around you. Like “love cannot be demanded, only given”. Mistaking such things is like mistaking east and west. You will never find what you look for, and the longer you keep going, the further away it gets.

But there are other things we can disagree on. In fact, I disagree with my younger self on some things too. And I disagree routinely with people who have contributed greatly to my current happiness and understanding. You may even find old posts where I quarrel with God or Jesus Christ.

Not only are we on different levels of development, we also have different temperaments and different life experiences. For this reason, we cannot just copy each other. You may compare Truth with an enormous mountain that we approach from different directions. If you happen to be very similar to me in temperament and background, you may readily see me behind you or in front of you. But if we differ in our starting point, we may have to climb for a long time before we get within sight of each other.

Even so, what matters is that we keep climbing. Or in more religious words, keep walking in the Light or walking in the Truth. You can also compare humans to plants who grow by absorbing the Light. We cannot really help where we start growing, but we can keep growing toward the Light.

Hmm, climbing and growing? Perhaps we are vines? Hopefully not poison ivy! If you find something poisonous in my journal, you should certainly disagree with it. Hold it up to the Light, for even I may not agree with myself forever.


Of course, it is required that you are in fact climbing, or at the very least standing at the base of the mountain of Truth and looking in that direction.  If you (and this is the general you, not just that particular poster) – if you don’t have a sustained spiritual practice, your opinions on the existence of gods, spirit realms, angels, spirits, souls etc are as interesting as your opinions on the existence of the Eiffel Tower or the Notre Dame or Versailles if you have never been to France.

This is just the way things are.  If you write to tell me that the place where I live or the place where I work don’t exist, I am likely to regard you as mentally challenged in one way or another.  The same applies with the place where I pray, even though it is inside me rather than in the 3-dimensional world.

On the other hand when I write about economics and most of politics, it is rare that I can claim any direct experience or divine revelation.  Some things are pretty obvious, but my predictions don’t always come true with regard to time.  And I won’t even bother to disagree about food, entertainment and trivia. Tastes do vary wildly.