Ordered fiber


Picture from Sims 3.

Got a mail today from the new landlord. He has a friend who works in Agder Breiband (Agder is the old Norse name for the south coast of Norway, and Breiband does mean broadband) and this friend had arranged it so that I could get fiberoptic cable in the farmhouse for kr 6000 (a bit over $1000.) So I called his friend and we made the deal. He said they would normally not do this and it would take at least three weeks before they get started, but it should be in place before Christmas.  Another reason for me to not move until December, then!

$1000 is a lot of money when you don’t have it, but the plan about the house was that I’ll live there for 5 years, possibly more (depending on the kid that will inherit it, I think).   Compared to 5 years, $1000 is barely noticeable.  I chose the cheapest connection speed, 10 megabit/second, but I can upgrade to 30 or 50 without a new install should the future move in that direction. I honestly can’t see any applications that would need that – I will probably not be an early adapter of full-body virtual reality suits – but at least the fiber is there, should the future end up different from what I expect.  (Has that ever happened before, you think?)