Another thunder day


After I came home from work, there was still sunshine, at least part of the time, but the wind was nice so it was quite comfortable to mow some lawn.  The grass has started growing again after the rains earlier this week, but not by much yet.  It was easy going.  I went back in, checked my favorite web sites and paid my bills for the month.  The first of them was due today.  I used Net bank, of course. Some of my bills come only to my net bank now, no paper. It is slightly disturbing to depend so much on the Net when I think back only a few years, when I was a customer of Telenor, Norway’s largest ISP.  At that time I was sometimes without Internet access for both one week and two.  Luckily I have been spared that after I switched to LOS (now NextGenTel).

Later in the afternoon, clouds came running in from the east, a rare thing.  The wind is usually from the west when there is wind at all.  A local friend had already mentioned on Twitter that a thunderstorm was predicted, and soon the first flash of light was seen as the land beneath the clouds was cast into darkness as if it were already evening.  I turned off my computers an network and this time I even disconnected the phone cable.  I did keep the laptop running though. In fact I installed Sims 3 on it.  It is not nearly up to the performance of the quad-core and tri-core desktops, but Sims 3 runs well enough.  And playing it with the touch screen is an added bonus.  As with most laptops, the main problem is that the game does not run much faster when the sim is sleeping, but that’s where you take a short break.

I also took 18 minutes to meditate to LifeFlow 7, which uses the frequency of the Schumann Resonance, which is itself powered by electric activity in the atmosphere.  It seemed fitting. Especially since LF7 uses rain and thunder as its soundscape.  (Each track has a distinct soundscape that overlays and camouflages the sounds that create the brainwave entrainment.)  The sound track is quite realistic – I could barely hear the difference when I took my headphones off.

The thunderstorm must have lasted longer than it felt like, because it was dark for real when it finally left, and closing in on midnight.  Even on the very southern edge of Norway, the night is still very short. A couple hours after midnight, then it will start brightening again.  I better be in bed before that!

I tend to sleep too little, although I have less problems with it now.  I give some credit to the brainwave entrainment programs.  I tend to use LifeFlow before bedtime and Holosync in the morning, although I plan to phase out Holosync when I get the lower levels of LifeFlow.  LF7 is still the lowest I have though, and I mainly use 8, probably will for a long time yet. Although I do experiment with 7 now and then, as mentioned above.

Oh, and I found one of the few magazines that survived the move. It was an issue of Wired from 1997, cover article “The Long Boom”.  I wanted to write about that, but it is already midnight so you get this instead.