Today I ordered a subscription to the LifeFlow program, the one with the hilarious website. Â Their customer support is quite friendly and I like their sense of humor. They also have a slightly more relaxed community of users, which is definitely a good thing.
It is remarkable once you notice it: When people turn their back on traditional religion, many of them will fabricate a replacement from something else.  It may be a political movement (communism had many of the trappings of religion, for instance) but I also see the same in the brainwave entrainment community. People latch onto one of the technologies (more common with Holosync, it seems) and it becomes Holy.  There is no way anything  could be wrong except for outsiders, who are wrong by default.  If you don’t feel anything and the months go by and you don’t notice any effect at all, just believe in the system.  You know, this isn’t something we do for the afterlife, well most of us at least.
This should not really surprise me, since I have seen similar attitudes regarding Windows vs Mac vs Linux. Â I have even compared it with the religious landscape here in Norway. Â We have a state church that everyone is a member of unless they (or their parents) do something to avoid it. Â That would be like Windows, which you get with your computer unless you go out of your way to avoid it. Â Then we have the pentecostals which come across as easily excited and harmlessly fanatical, just like the Apple Mac fans. Â And then there is Linux. Linux is like the Wiccans and Neopagans doing magic in dark places, the outsiders you avoid unless you are in serious trouble or want revenge on the System.
Well, that’s how I see it. Â But the fact remains, there is a lot of religious-like behavior in the brain entrainment field. I already have a religion so I am not comfortable with that. Â I don’t do this for my afterlife, really, but to explore more of what is possible in this life. Â And not for the sake of earning money or attracting love, or even for my health (although that is certainly worth considering). Â I guess the shortest answer is: Because I can.
Anyway, it is a series of ten tracks over as many months (I think) at $67 each. Â So in the hopefully unlikely case that I leave the land of the living or the sane, whoever takes over should be aware that there is such an obligation runnin. And that it is not a porn site, although it does make me quiver with pleasure occasionally when I read their website…