Coded green.

Friday 13 August 2004

Screenshot anime Girls Bravo

Pic of the day: Boys, girls and housework ... misunderstandings sometimes happen. (Screenshot from anime Girls Bravo, episode 6.)

Housework revelation

Not revolution, although I guess it could be that too. But let me preface this by stating the obvious, that most people are stupid. Even women. For instance, they foolishly believe that men don't do their part of the work in the home, such as washing and keeping order. They are wrong. Men, with some lazy exceptions, do half of the housework.

Of course, that's half of the housework they see needs to be done, which is a fraction of what the women think needs to be done. Women have weird illusions such as "it is bad to be able to write your name in the dust" and "dishes need to be washed every day they are used". I guess they can't help it, they were raised that way, but why should the men suffer for this?

In Denmark, homosexual marriages have been legal for a generation now, so it was only natural that a few years ago people looked at the divorce statistics. Turns out that gay men are much less likely to divorce than straight couples. Well, no wonder. (Uhm, that last is a joke ... although I doubt they stick together because the lovemaking is so much greater, seriously. More likely they're too lazy to break up. ^^)

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