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Recent updates

April 30: Self-betrayal day
April 29: Forgettable Sunday
April 28: Talk about the climate
April 27: Disturbing culture etc.
April 26: Sick transit gloria
April 25: Stubborn as a RAM
April 24: Sometimes I wonder
April 23: Catching up is hard to do
April 22: Goodbye again
April 21: SuperWoman, God and I
April 20: 94.8% pure
April 19: Wanting the impossible
April 18: It's the economy, stupid
April 17: Scary synchronicities
April 16: Burgers for Africa
April 15: The power and the glory
April 14: God or beast
April 13: Power days
April 12: Let's not get carried away
April 11: Free speech!
April 10: Glimpses of New Age
April 9: Once again 9th of April
April 8: Between Heaven and Earth
April 7: In restless dreams...
April 6: Psychology Today
April 5: Loving dogs too much
April 4: Return to Daggerfall
April 3: Whose memories anyway?
April 2: Health nuts
April 1: Fools and folly