Thursday 9 September 1999

Pic of the day: The train pulls in. (I was about to write that the train moved in on the station, but somehow that did not sound right.)

So my few but absolutely delightful days with Superwoman (and her family) came to an end. But not without a last visit to the nearest shopping mall. This time again we borrowed her nephew. He's grown in the half year or so that has passed, but he still went into turtle mode when we took him to the mall. I mean, like, curling up inside his (invisible) shell, not speaking or moving. This time we were prepared, and put him in a shopping cart. That way she could have her hands free while I carted the kid around.

Her brother's girlfriend still worked at Adelsten there (they will change name but not fire anybody). She was as usual stylishly dressed. Even so, you can only do so much when competing with radiant natural beauty. In my objective and unbiased opinion, of course. :)

We bought practically nothing this time, except lenses, got her watch repaired, oh and a meal at McDonalds. Happy Meal, of course, for the nephew, who recovered visibly at the sight of fries. He loves fries with ketchup. And then we went home and played Risk. I lost again, as Supie and her brother ganged up on me. Blood is thicker than water, obviously, though not as thick as ketchup. Oh well.


And so it ends, and every time it ends a little bit more. No magic can stem the flow of time. Even as we inevitably drift apart, I realize again just how much she means to me. And why. I love her not for her body, though it certainly will brighten the eyes of any vaguely hetero male (this includes me, I shall admit). I do not even love her for her intelligence, though it is nice to have a friend that understands me easily. I do love her because she is the perfect friend, who actively seeks to make others happy. She certainly succeeded again.

On a vaguely related note, it now seems pretty certain that she will be in Kristiansand in October. I do look forward to it. I'm not going to build my life around her, though. I learned early on to not have other people as the primary source of happiness in my life. You certainly can exchange happiness and grief with others. But the main portion of the happiness diet must come from within.

(From here on out I wrote some deep stuff about love. I deleted it in a moment of sanity. You should not be required to know ancient Greek to read a diary. One ancient geek is enough.)

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