Coded green.

Wednesday 3 October 2007

Screenshot anime Daa Daa Daa

Pic of the day: Shock! Divine punishment?

Short: Chocolate & Punishment

At work, as well as at home, I usually have some chocolate lying around. I nibble this from time to time. It is pleasant and is even said to be healthy in moderation. However, for me extra moderation is required because chocolate contains much fat. And I can only eat small amounts of fat at any time, or I will experience a number of unpleasant symptoms not just to my digestion but also to my central nervous system. I have written in detail about this often enough, so let us just sum up: Fat is fat. Even healthy fat is still causing the same symptoms.

So imagine my disappointment when I discovered that I had already eaten about as much fat as I can safely do. My consciousness was lower than usual, perhaps because of less sleep, and I had not kept track of how much I had eaten. Suddenly I had eaten my fat for the day.

I was lucky in that I had not eaten more than I safely could, so I was spared a scary attack of fat poisoning. But I did not go entirely without punishment: I could not eat fat again until 8 PM at the earliest. By then it is basically too late: If I eat more than a symbolic meal close to bedtime, I risk getting acid reflux. So, only crumbs for me today. OK, a couple boxes of yogurt probably. Not anything to write home about, that's for sure. And all because of the chocolate. And I was even too distracted to enjoy it for all it was worth.

Yesterday <-- This month --> Tomorrow?
One year ago: Promiscuity
Two years ago: Beauty
Three years ago: Quiet Sunday
Four years ago: Rubies of Eventide: Day 1
Five years ago: The greatness of USB
Six years ago: This day sucked
Seven years ago: Need cash?
Eight years ago: Rebooting reality

Visit the archive page for the older diaries I've put out to pasture.

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