Coded yellow. Because your boss would probably wonder.

Saturday 26 June 2004

Screenshot anime Kyou Kara Maou

Pic of the day: This picture is for you who can't understand how people can possibly be bi. ^_^ Wolfram, the cute boy from anime Kyou Kara Maou.
Disclaimer: Bisexuality, homosexuality and bigotry may lead to hellfire and damnation. Please consult your god before activating these features.

Fast forward

Because catching up is hard to do. And because I want some distance between the previous entry and the next.

And no, I've not suddenly developed a "liking" for boys. ^_^* I have a couple of my known female readers in mind here. You know who you are!

Yesterday <-- This month --> Tomorrow?
One year ago: That other chasm
Two years ago: Death do them part?
Three years ago: God sees your diary
Four years ago: Train scandal
Five years ago: Roleplaying religion

Visit the Diary Farm for the older diaries I've put out to pasture.

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