Saturday 24 July 1999

Pic of the day: Smiling in the dark, and why not?

Saturday means sleeping in, and sleeping in means dreams, lots of them. From tonight's in-brain entertainment:
Vague dream: I've bought 3 video films. Since I don't have a TV, much less a VCR, I end up seeing video at SKH's place (the father of my best friend). The evening is somewhat disturbed by the fact that SKH is practicing jumping over the TV set. This is not always successful.
In the next dream (a fairly long one) aliens invade Earth. The Secretary General of the UN betrays Earth to the aliens. A young woman, an old hypocrite and me perform a daring expedition to steal their technology and sabotage their installations. We succeed in stealing technology, but then things start to look bleak. The Secretary General dies horribly in a trap of his own making, and the aliens (obviously motivated by some weird code of honor) pack their things and leave. This dream sequence ends as I casually mention to the old man that if I had been in their place, I would have scorched the Earth rather than let us keep the stolen technology.
Short vivid dream sequence: I'm walking home and suddenly it starts raining very heavily. I dart in under an old oak tree, which shields me from the rain for a while. But not for long, as the rain starts to come through. At this point a fat young girl comes running. As she stops by me under the tree, she opens a large blue umbrella. Why didn't she open that out in the rain instead of running? I ask myself. Since it's now raining here too, we walk onward. She is keeping up a conversation about trivial things, with long pauses, in which she keeps looking at me as if she expect me to do something. When nothing happens, she says something trivial again. She lives not so far away. Outside the door she stops and just looks at me, her face an expression of sadness mixed with ... fear? Loneliness? Despair? She is obviously gathering herself to say something, and I politely wait. Finally she says "Farewell" and I go.


Back in the real world: At 3 in the afternoon I called my best friend, the irrepressible young woman that I refer to as SuperGirl. She is fully my match when it comes to staying up late and sleeping into the day. "I thought you would call" she admitted. Because she had a pretty important test (Pharmacology) yesterday. Her sister had called already yesterday. Me, I was so certain that she would make it, I assumed she would be out partying all night. And of course she did make it, again. She is terrifyingly bright.

(When she was just a preschooler, I played a pattern recognition game with the kids, which "incidentally" also gives a good hint about their intelligence ... the results for the others were as expected for their age. The results for her were off the scale. If she had been able to actually harness that brain engine of hers, she would have had an IQ of 400 or so. I barely believed my own eyes. Too bad she only dips into her true powers when she can't avoid it. Of course, I haven't exactly been the good shepherd here... At least she has some ambition, whereas I prefer to grunt in my private little pigsty and be content with that.)

Of course, in between studying, partying and sports, she had also found time to see "The Matrix". We decided to see it in Oslo if it's still there when she comes back. It just might - it is hugely successful and the Oslo cinema is known to milk successful films for a very long time. I absolutely abhor the thought of going to the movies alone; and I'm too timid to ask the Great Earth Mother (the midwife, who is also pretty bright for a human, nice and stunningly good looking; not that I'm young enough that I should bother about that). Also she may not be in Oslo when I'm visiting. And I don't think this is her type of movie at all. But Supergirl is definitely the Matrix type ... (I can't imagine I managed to sneak in that one!)

Adrift in time?
Yesterday (Yes, I believe in yesterday.)
Tomorrow (if any.)
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