Coded green.

Thursday 12 July 2007

Screenshot anime Kasimasi (girl meets girl)

Pic of the day: "I suddenly became a girl". (Screenshot from the anime Kasimasi / Kashimashi.)

Short: Weird dream

I dreamed that I was a boy around puberty, who for some reason had to transform into a girl each day when going to school and transform back once school was out. I believe the transformation was nanotechnological rather than magical, but of course the two are basically the same thing. It was definitely a transformation rather than just a dress-up. In fact, the clothes transformed at the same time. My main problem was that I must not let anyone know, and the transformation back to boy happened at a set time which was only a few minutes after school ended. So I repeatedly had to scramble to find a hidden spot and transform where my friends did not see it.

This sounds totally like a plot device from a Japanese comic book (manga) or TV cartoon (anime). The Japanese evidently think such things are hilarious. Likewise children transforming into adults or the other way around. I guess it does make for some interesting plots sometimes. Unfortunately I don't remember anything really interesting from this dream. But perhaps I can use it in a novel sometime. (If I try to write novels anymore, that is. I seem to have lost a lot of interest in that lately.)

(And no, I don't think the dream is telling me anything important about my own sexuality here ... I'm 48 at the moment and still think men are ugly.)

Yesterday <-- This month --> Tomorrow?
One year ago: Right action, wrong reason
Two years ago: Data rot
Three years ago: Friends and mirrors
Four years ago: In real life
Five years ago: John Byrne's Next Men
Six years ago: Buying an e-book
Seven years ago: Fecundism
Eight years ago: Sleepless knigth

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