Coded green.

Freeday 13 July 2001


Pic of the day: Here I am in one of my innumerable Marlboro Classic shirts. They're not cheap, but they sure do last a while.

Marlboro mail

Today I got another strange e-mail. Keeping an online diary does make your mail more interesting: When you get mail from total strangers, you never know whether it is just common spam or whether it is a comment on your diary. Today there was another.

Someone is doing a project on PROMOTING MARLBORO CLASSICS. They would be thankful for any pictures and information. Well, I can understand that. If I were doing project work, I'd also appreciate if someone else would do part of my work for free. But hey, I'm in the habit of writing stuff. Helping people doesn't hurt my wrist any more than taunting them would do. So, today I write about MARLBORO CLASSICS.

The first thing I did after reading the e-mail was look down at my shirt. Sure enough, there was the small discreet strip with the text "Marlboro Classics". That's hardly a big surprise, because a lot of my clothes are Marlboro Classics, especially the shirts. I have even (jokingly) been called "the Marlboro man".


Now is a good time to point out that I don't smoke tobacco. In fact, I find the practice of smoking stupid and dangerous. I hear that some people do it as "self medication", but why would they do such a thing in the first place? It is obviously unhealthy and must certainly be uncomfortable until they get used to it. And who in the world was the guy who first went around inhaling smoke from various leaves until he found one that he liked? What a weirdo.

So it is not unproblematic for me to wear clothes that make people think of tobacco. Then again, just because they think of it, that doesn't mean they must use it. Living near a horse ranch / riding center, I see horse manure rather often; but I never try to eat it, or burn it and inhale the smoke ...


Now that this is cleared up, let me explain why I wear so much Marlboro clothes. But first let me say that I am not a rich man, not by Norwegian standards, not even by European standards. And I started my adult life with nothing but debt. For a long time, I bought only cheap clothes, and wore them until they wore out. (Which was often fairly quickly.) Until around 1995 or so.

With my more immediate needs covered, I started to buy clothes. At first this was a hobby of my female friends, who delighted in shopping. They awakened my sense of quality, of matching color with personality, and finding clothes that were practical for everyday use without looking shabby or "work only".

Brands were not a question. I resent fashion, which is for the idle rich. I have to work for my money (or at least hang out at the workplace). So I will not spend it to win the approval of strangers, but on what I personally like. In the same way, I don't watch media that advertise fashion. I rely on my own sense, and on experienced workers in quality retail stores. Generally we tend to agree, though I usually am a bit more conservative.

It was after I started to shop on my own, that I noticed this tendency: I would look at clothes that fit my style, that I felt well with, and which looked good. I avoided looking at price tags and brand names until I had picked my choice. And time after time, that choice was Marlboro Classics.

What can I say? They are solid and durable while still feeling soft and comfortable. They have a good range of colors and textures that look serious but not boring, mature but not aged. What more can a grown man ask from his clothes? Oh yes, I forgot: Women tend to compliment them too, at least those who particularly look at clothes ...

Lately, I am not buying so much clothes anymore. Especially not for myself. There comes a time when spending on oneself loses some of its glitter, and quiet contentment is preferred. During this time, my Marlboro clothes have stood the test of time. They stand up well to wear and wash, and if anything they grow more comfortable with use. And while there are trends in colors and shapes, many of them are virtually timeless: I can pull out some of the first I bought, and they don't stand out as odd or old-fashioned. I guess that's why they are called "classics" ...


Oh, and I've mentioned my Marlboro clothes in some sentences on 9. Nov. 1998, 15. May 1999, 20. May 2000, and in passing a few times more. They ought to pay me ... except that the pictures tend to include me on them, which is not exactly good PR for them. There are times when I feel my butt is looking better than my face. Mainly because I can't cover my face with Marlboro Classics. :)

Now I just hope no one mails me to ask about macaroni and cheese ...

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