Tuesday 5 January 1999


Pic of the day: SVELE! For the first time in my life, I actually bought a package of fresh soft svele. I have no idea what it may be called in English. In fact, I don't even know what it's called in Norwegian. The only name I can remember is "svele", which sounds a lot yummier in Norwegian than it would in English. They are close relatives to pancakes, but thanks to baking soda (?) they are all soft and airy and spongy and delicious with an almost erotic tactile feedback when nibbled. Perfect when you're just a little bit hungry. Good with jam, or just bare when slightly warm.

--Today I was late to work, as I lost myself in replying to an e-mail. But it is certainly better than being sick, and the pay is the same. :) I stayed a bit longer, so I think I got it balanced out. I love e-mail, so don't let this scare you from sending me any if you feel this would be a good idea. In the unforgettable words of Gabrielle L. Gabrielle: "e me, baby"!. Hmm, I guess I should E her and warn her that I'm advocating her website. It's not like searching on AltaVista would reveal it ... (not the way it was spelled originally at least).

--If you're as inexperienced as I recently was, you may imagine that the Internet search engines (such as AltaVista, HotBot, Lycos etc) are more or less current with what's out there. This is very far from true. It can easily take a month or two between each visit from a web crawler softbot. And this requires that there is an unbroken chain of links to your site. Usually your ISP will have a directory of homepages, so this should connect you to the Web. But if there is a temporary breakdown or even severe congestion somewhere on the chain of links that points to you, the crawler may never find you. I suspect this is what got my homepage booted from AltaVista, not the objectionable content of my site. Though who knows? AltaVista is American, after all.

--In other news, DS has rebuilt her site again after a few weeks of just a running cam. The new name is everydayitems. I'm changing my main page to quote the new name (formerly Soya Rat Cam, formerly Cornercam...) and correct spelling errors in "GabGab CamCam" too. (Well, what can people expect with a site name like that?)

I welcome e-mail: itlandm@netcom.no
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